The Great Newspaper War Up until about 100 years ago, newspapers in the United States appealed only to the most serious readers. They used no illustrations and the articles were{{U}} (51) {{/U}}politics or business. Two men{{U}} (52) {{/U}}that — Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Morning Journal. Pulitzer{{U}} (53) {{/U}}the New York World in 1883. He changed it from a traditional newspaper into a very (54) one overnight (一夜之间). He{{U}} (55) {{/U}}lots of illustrations and cartoons. And he told his reporters to write articles on{{U}} (56) {{/U}}crime or scandal they could find. And they did. One of them even pretended she was crazy and then she was{{U}} (57) {{/U}}to a mental hospital. She then wrote a series of article A. anyone B. anyone’s C. anyone else D. anyone else’s [单项选择]频率为20~40次/分的逸搏心律通常是()。
A. 房性逸搏 B. 交界性逸搏 C. 室性逸搏 D. 交界性逸搏心律 E. 室性逸搏心律 [填空题]阶段计划中的到发线运用计划,由车站调度员和车站值班员共同负责确定,由<--NRC-->亲自掌握。
[单选题]( )是指在工作岗位上,应用创新思维,激发工作的新思路、新方法和新措施,并以此产生新的工作效益。
A.工作创新 B.理论创新 C.制度创新 D.技战术创新 [判断题]水位计的中心线在检修过程中不应该变化,避免引起水位指标不准确。
A.管道 B.垃圾站 C.生活房间 [单选题]蟹黄海参、九转大肠等菜品是( )的代表菜。
A.广东菜 B.山东菜 C.四川菜 D.浙江菜 [多项选择]下列关于房地产经济寿命和自然寿命的说法中,不正确的有( )。
A. 房地产同时具有经济寿命和自然寿命 B. 自然寿命一般要比经济寿命长 C. 如果房地产维护状况良好,可以令投资者从一宗置业投资中获取几个经济寿命 D. 房地产的经济寿命与使用性质无关 E. 房地产的经济寿命是指在正常市场和运营状态下,房地产收入大于零的持续时间 [填空题]It’s my first writing in the new class. I afraid I may 76. ______
make lots of mistake. But without practice, I can never 77. ______ make progress. Now I’m in a new town or a new school. 78. ______ The other children all seem know one another. Am I the 79. ______ only new one I hope no. The boy sitting next to me is 80. ______ Calvin. He seems nice. So do my other neighbor, Ann 81. ______ And my teacher, too. He told us that we could share our 82. ______ writing if we wanted to. I’m not for sure if I will. I might 83. ______ just keeping it a secret, at least for a while, until I get to 84. ______ know everyone better. That shouldn’t spend too long, 85. ______ though. [简答题]配电线路多级级差保护基本配合关系是怎样的?
A. 额骨眶板、蝶骨小翼 B. 上颌骨额突、泪骨和筛板 C. 上颌骨、颞骨 D. 泪骨、额骨眶板 E. 额骨眶突、蝶骨大翼 [单项选择]
Predictions of many robots in industry have yet come true. For ten years or more, manufacturers of big robots have explained how their machines can make industry more competitive and productive. The maker for (21) robots is oversupplied now, and the driving force of the robotics(机器人学) revolution is (22) to be with makers of machines that handle a few kilos at most. [填空题]有一晶闸管的型号为KK200-9,请说明KK(); 200表示表示(),9表示()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]陈某,女,48岁。因胸闷痛反复发作2年,近一周来加重,现胸闷如窒,气短喘促,肢体沉重,痰多,形体肥胖,苔浊腻,脉滑。其治法为()
A. 辛温通阳,开痹散寒 B. 理气活血,通络止痛 C. 通阳泄浊,豁痰开结 D. 清热化痰,理气止痛 E. 补益心脾,通阳止痛 [简答题]圬工梁钢筋锈蚀达到何种情况判定为AA级劣化?
[简答题]02-22 07:05:36.720 17609 23007 I
A. 枳壳 B. 苍术 C. 栀子 D. 党参 E. 何首乌 我来回答: 提交