{{I}}Questions 8 to 10 are based on the
following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15
seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.{{/I}} |
Making good coffee is not a simple
business. Coffee bushes must be grown in shade. A hillside is best--but it
mustn’t be too (1) . After three years, the bushes will start
to (2) bright-red coffee "cherries", which are picked,
processed to (3) the inner part, and spread out to dry for
days, (4) on concrete. They are (5)
again to separate the bean, which needs to rest, preferably for a few months.
Only then can it be roasted, ground and brewed (6) the stuff
that dreams are suppressed with. In Mexico and parts of Central America, (7) in Colombia, most coffee farmers are smallholders. They found it especially hard to (8) the recent fall in the coffee price. The (9) of their income makes it hard for farmers to invest to (10) their crop, says Fernando Celis. The fall fo A. make B. form C. produce D. manufacture [多选题]根据《国家电网有限公司合规行为准则(试行)》,管理人员的合规准则包括.( )。
A. 合规面前,人人平等 B. 在合规准则的框架下行事 C. 正确行使决策权 D. 杜绝权力寻租 [单项选择]判断呕血、黑便患者出血严重度最有价值的指标是()
A. 呕血或黑便的量 B. 呕血或黑便的颜色 C. 血压和心率 D. 血红细胞计数和血红蛋白浓度 [单选题]允许速度200>Vmax>160km/h正线,轨道动态质量容许偏差管理值,水平Ⅱ级偏差管理值为( )mm
A.5 B.7 C.8 D.12 [填空题]研究模拟和扩展人脑智能的先进理论与技术是()。
A.麻醉药品、放射性药品、毒性药品、抗肿瘤药品 B.麻醉药品、放射性药品、毒性药品、生物制品 C.物制品、放射性药品、毒性药品、精神药品 D.麻醉药品、放射性药品、毒性药品、精神药品 [多选题]WGT-3试块主要用于检测( )。
A.钢轨探伤仪灵敏度余量和距离幅度特性 B.探头灵敏度余量和斜探伤头楔内回波幅度 C.探头灵敏度余量和直探伤头楔内回波幅度 D.A和C [判断题] 在利用计算机网络进行的赌博活动中,分赌场、下级庄家或者赌博参与者在组织或者参与赌博前向赌博组织者、上级庄家或者赌博公司交付的押金,应当视为赌资,予以收缴。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]“贝尔朋议会”
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