Less Is
More{{/B}} It sounds all wrong—drilling holes in a piece of wood to make it more resistant to knocks. But it works because the energy from the blow gets distributed throughout the wood rather than focusing on one weak spot. The discovery should lead to more effective and lighter packaging materials. Carpenters have known{{U}} (51) {{/U}}centuries that some woods are tougher than others. Hickory (山核桃木), for example, was turned into axe handles and cartwheel spokes (轮辐) because it can absorb shocks without breaking. White oak, for example, is much more easily damaged,{{U}} (52) {{/U}}it is almost as dense. Julian Vincent at Bathe University and his team were convinced the wood’s internal structure could expl A. over B. at C. around D. on [单项选择]“胸中自有雄兵百万”最初是说谁的度量()。
A. 岳飞 B. 范仲淹 C. 谢安 [单项选择]一般说来,我国南方亚热带地区生产的鲜叶,适制()。
A. 红茶 B. 绿茶 C. 白茶 D. 青茶 [单选题]人和人类具有( )
A.纯自然生物属性 B.自然属性和社会属性 C.肉体组织和生活需求的属性 D.纯社会属性 [单项选择]根据《治安处罚法》的规定,毒害性等危险物质被盗、被抢或者丢失,故意隐瞒不报的,可以处()的处罚。
A. 五百元以下罚款 B. 五日以下治安拘留 C. 五日以上十日以下治安拘留 [单项选择]鹿茸的适应证为()
A. 疮疡久溃不敛 B. 痰热咳喘 C. 脾寒泄泻 D. 风湿痹痛 E. 月经不调 [填空题]列车变更固定接车线路时的车机联控用语均为“××(次)×× (站)变更×道通过[停车],限速××公里”。( )
[单选题]目前,沪深300股指期货报价的最小变动价位是( )点。
A.0.1 B.0.2 C.0.01 D.1 [单项选择]某一点晶面的晶面间距
A. R B. T C. F、 D. d(hkl) E. θ [单选题]货车运用的主要工作是负责铁路货车运行安全监控系统的( )。
A.运用管理 B.设备维护 C.技术运用 D.安全监管 我来回答: 提交