Troubled by the persistently poor
graduation rates of basketball and football players, the National Collegiate
Athletic Association plans to start punishing schools whose athletes continue to
underperform in the classroom. The proposal, which is expected to adopt next
month, is being proposed by NCAA President Myles Brand as the final and critical
piece of a package of changes designed to boost graduation rates and put the
student back into the often-mocked term, student-athlete. Even supporters of the plan, however, worry that it will prove impractical, characterizing it as a well-intentioned idea that has been weakened by compromise and will ultimately generate more paperwork than real change. There’s also broad acknowledgement that it may cause unint A. more effective ways than graduation rates should be adopted to measure athletes’ academic performance B. coaches often give their athletes higher scores than they do other students C. some student athletes are finding the easiest questions difficult to answer in exams D. academic performances in colleges are in the hands of the athletes’ coaches [判断题]高处作业应使用绳索。上下传递材料、工器具应使用工具袋。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女,28岁,煤气中毒1天后转送医院,神志不清,瞳孔等大,光反应弱,体温、血压正常,心脏听诊无异常,两肺呼吸音粗,腹部(-),腱反射存在,病理反射(+)、血常规无异常。
若不采用上述治疗措施,该患者则可能发生 A. 肾功能损害 B. 肝功能损害 C. 记忆力减退 D. 迟发性脑病 [多项选择]引起ARDS严重低氧血症和呼吸窘迫的主要病理生理改变为().
A. 通气功能减低 B. 肺内分流 C. 弥散功能障碍 D. 氧耗量增加 E. 支气管痉挛 [简答题]射水抽气器的工作原理是怎样的?
[简答题] 接地装置的敷设应符合GB50194建设工程施工现场供用电安全规范》的规定,人工接地体的顶面埋设深度不宣小于________m。 (1.0分)
[单项选择]女,18岁,水肿、尿量减少1周,血压120/70mmHg,尿蛋白(+ + +),红细胞(+ +),尿素氮8mmol/L,血肌酐47μmol/L。
若血浆白蛋白24g/L,肾活检报告符合轻度系膜增生性肾小球肾炎,治疗首选( ) A. 利尿消肿 B. 雷公藤多苷 C. 糖皮质激素 D. 环磷酰胺 E. 环孢素A [判断题]作业现场,焊接电缆禁止与氧、乙炔带缠绕;调整电流时,要放下焊把进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]电流互感器的精度必须( )其副边所带仪表的精度。
A. 等于 B. 大于 C. 大于或等于 D. 小于 [判断题]使用电瓶泵应急操作回收支脚时,往往需要两人配合操作,一人按住电瓶泵的启动按钮,另外一人操作控制阀回收支腿。(中)( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交