Mx Black was young and able. He worked
very hard. And the boss liked him. Last month he was sent to China on business.
When he got to Beijing, he visited some places of interest and felt very
happy. One morning before he left for London, he decided to buy something for Tony, the son of his boss. At first he didn’t know what to buy for the boy. Suddenly he remembered that the boy liked birds very much, so he went to the bird market. He was glad to find that there were so many kinds of birds there. He bought four beautiful birds, then he told the boy about it on the telephone. As soon as Mr Black returned to London by air, he went to Tony with the four birds. But on his way to the boss’s home, one of them, flew out of the cage(笼子) and there were only three birds left in it, The [多选题]目前,商业银行活期存款计息方式有:
A.积数计息 B.总额计息 C.累计计息 D.逐笔计息 E.加总计息 [多选题]用电营业管理的特点(_____)。
A.政策性强 B.整体性强 C.服务性强 D.技术性强 [单选题]某患者体温在39-40℃左右波动,持续两周,日差不超过1℃,脉搏106次/分,呼吸28次/分,患者神志清,精神不振,面色潮红,口唇干裂,该患者属于( )
A. 稽留热 B. 弛张热 C. 间歇热 D. 不规则热 [单选题]《国网物资部关于进一步加强物资协议库存采购计划申报与结果执行联动的通知》规定,哪个管理部门组织需求单位对物资品类、交货时间以及需求数量的合理性进行审核?
A.项目管理部门 B.物资部门 C.经法部门 D.专业管理部门 [单选题]调控防误系统因工作短时停用时,应报()批准,才能退出运行并做好记录
A.当值值长 B.调控处长 C.本单位主管安全生产领导 [判断题]当有火灾发生时,信号蝶阀自动联动控制喷淋泵的启动,并能够在消防控制室显示其启动及其动作反馈信号。
[单项选择]The two leading parties of America are ______.
A. The Republican and the Liberal B. The Democratic and the Republican C. The Democratic and the Conservative D. The Democratic and the Labor [单选题]关于A类施工的销点流程,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.A.施工登记→辅站向行调销点→主站向行调销点→行调批准销点→施工结束 B.B.施工登记→辅站向主站销点→主站向行调销点→行调批准销点→施工结束 C.C.施工登记→辅站向行调销点→车站撤出防护→主站向行调销点→行调批准销点→施工结束 D.D.施工登记→辅站向行调销点→车站撤出防护→主站向行调销点→行调批准销点→施工结束 [判断题]原始凭证是会计核算的原始资料和重要依据,是登记会计账簿的直接依据。( )
A.拆断 B.短接 C.恢复 [单选题] 坡度大于 1:2.2的屋面,防护栏杆应高( )m,并加挂安全立网。
A.0.6 B.1.0 C.1.2 D.1.5 [判断题]安排特殊岗位疗养的,疗养天数计入年休假假期()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]日处理能力30万吨的城市二级污水处理厂,一般采用的工艺是( )。
A. SBR法 B,氧化沟法C.生物滤池法 D.常规活性污泥法
A.A B.B C.C D.D [多选题]( )和6A系统及所有安全装备必须全程运转,严禁擅自关机,不得人为损坏相关设备,不得故意遮挡摄像头
A.机车信号 B.列车无线调度通信设备 C.列车运行监控记录装置 D.列尾装置 我来回答: 提交