Today we take it for granted that the mail will be delivered dally at our door. But many years ago it might have been placed in a tree trunk or underneath a rock. In the early days of the mall no one could be sure about where or when it would arrive.
At the southern tip of Africa there was once a post office under a rock. In the old days the route from England to India was around the Cape of Good Hope. The journey was stormy and dangerous. It took six long months. Sailors often wished to send mail home, but they seldom met ships bound back to England. So at the cape the sailors would go ashore. They headed for a certain large stone. On the stone were scratched the words "Look hereunder for letters. "They would leave their letters there, knowing that the next homeward-bound ship would stop and pick them up.
There was another post office like this at the southern tip of South America. During the gold rush days, boats sailed around Cape Horn to California.
A. clear out B. work up C. sort out D. think up [单选题]消防安全重点区域,是指由若干不同规模的单位组成的( )、经济价值高、建( )筑物相互毗连的区域。
A.人员分散 B.建筑集中 C.人员集中 D.经济集中 [单选题]代理人需要转委托第三人代理的,应当取得被代理人的同意或者()
A.默认 B.追认 C.承认 [单选题]普速旅客列车首尾载客车厢( )运行中锁闭。
A.边门 B.侧门 C.后门 D.内端门 [多选题] 铸铁电弧冷焊工艺要领是( )。
A.短段断续分散焊 B.较小电流熔深浅 C.焊后锤击消除应力 D.退火焊道前段软 [单选题]车轮踏面及轮缘加修后,其加工部位的表面粗糙度必须达到Ra ( )μm。
A.12.5 B.16 C.25 D.32 [单项选择]双旋翼的直升机为了平衡旋翼的反作用力矩,应使两旋翼的转向()。
A. 相同 B. 相反 C. 可能相同也可能相反 [判断题]†年,国内生产总值达101.6万亿元,占世界经济比重预计达到17%,稳居世界首位。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]从工件两端通电磁化工件时,工件的长度( )
A.影响磁导率 B.对磁场无影响 C.改变磁场强度 D.改变磁场方向 [多选题]元件的电压电流为非关联方向,且电压U=-5V,电流I=2A,则元件(____)功率(____)。
A.发出 B.吸收 C.10W D.10J [填空题]国际贸易额也称(),它是世界各国或地区出口贸易值的综合,以美元来表示。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1320、遇有灰坑、地沟、( )、水池、水坑需要通过时应尽量绕行,防止滑倒摔伤。
A.枕木 B.水井 C.楼梯 [单选题] LVS中,调度器总是将请求调度到连接数最少的Real Server的算法是?
A. Weighted Round Robin B. Round Robin C.Weighted Least Connections D.Least Connections [多选题]纳入紧急及应急管理批次的()须与()一致,不得搭车增加采购内容
A.采购条目 B.申请单 C.采购申请 D.物料 [多选题]应试验的安全工器具有:()、出了问题的同批次安全工器具
A.规程要求试验的 B.新购置和自制的 C.检修后或关键零部件已更换得 D.对机械、绝缘性能产生疑问或发现缺陷的 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交