A new biotechnology procedure that
could become commercially available in as little as two to four years is
"transgenosis", which permits scientists to create an animal with specific
traits by adding, removing, inactivating, or repairing genes in an embryo. The
additional genes can come from any source. For example, if a gene of interest
occurs in mosquitoes—say, one that codes for resistance to a certain disease—it
can be removed and placed in the embryo of a farm animal, the several strains of
commercially useful transgenic farm animals that will probably emerge in the
next few years could include leaner pigs, poultry resisting to influenza or
other deadly diseases, sheep with wool that is easier to wash, and goats that
produce valuable pharmaceuticals in their milk. The simplest way to make transgenic animals is to inject a gen A. this procedure is available only on the market B. this procedure can be used in producing better farm animals C. This procedure can be used to promote business D. People such as farmers can use this procedure in their production [单项选择]粘度单位中1CP为()P。
A. 100 B. 1/100 C. 10 D. 1/10 [填空题]隔绝式防护是关闭工事所有(),利用工事的()来防止受染空气进入工事的防护方式。
[单选题]新闻媒体应当( )开展突发事件预防与应急、自救与互救知识的公益宣传。
A.有偿 B.自愿 C.无偿 D.强制 [多选题]各类作业人员应被告知其作业现场和工作岗位()。
A.存在的危险因素 B.反事故措施 C.防范措施 D.事故紧急处理措施 [单选题]矽肺的基本病理改变是( )。
A.肺组织纤维化和硅结节 B.胸膜病变 C.肺气肿 D.肺部癌变 [判断题]直流伺服电动机的转向不受控制电压极性的影响。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据法律规定,下列关于个人独资企业设立条件的判断,哪些是正确的
A. 投资人只能是自然人 B. 投资人需具有完全民事行为能力 C. 须有企业章程 D. 有符合规定的最低注册资本 [判断题]文员对报纸和杂志的处理,可以挑出,上司喜欢的报纸和杂志放在他的办公桌上,其 他的放在报刊架.上供大家阅读。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]山西某矿山生产的包工头苏某无证经营,雇佣20人进行煤炭开采,由于苏某在购置的生产设备和采取的防范措施上存在的隐患,结果发生地下瓦斯爆炸,造成1死2伤,对于此次事故,下列说法错误的是
A. 苏某构成生产、作业责任事故罪 B. 苏某构成重大责任事故罪 C. 未受害的其他17人构成犯罪 D. 苏某不构成犯罪,因为必须罪刑法定 [判断题]( )短编重联或长编动车组采用有动力方式回送前,由车辆段单位校核工作受电弓间距与回送交路上接触网分相布置匹配情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]地铁线路分为正线、辅助线和车场线。下列不属于车场线的是( )。
A.试车线 B.牵出线 C.材料线 D.折返线 [单选题] 下列选项中,符合“仪表端庄”具体要求的是()。
A.着装华贵 B.着装朴素大方 C.饰品俏丽 D.发型突出个性 [判断题]导线敷设在吊顶或天棚内,可不穿管保护。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交