Man, so the truism goes, lives
increasingly in a man-made environment. This places a special burden on human
immaturity, for it is plain that adapting to such variable conditions must
depend very heavily on opportunities for learning, or whatever the processes are
that are operative during immaturity. It must also mean that during immaturity
man must master knowledge and skills that are either stored in the gene pool or
learned by direct encounter, but which are contained in the culture
pool--knowledge about values and history, skills as varied as an obligatory
natural language or an optional mathematical one, as mute as levers or as
articulate as myth telling. Yet, it would be a mistake to leap to the conclusion that because human immaturity makes possible high flexibility, therefore anything is possi A. human beings may adapt to new conditions by technological invention rather than by changing their behavior B. sexual promiscuity is no longer an aid to the survival of the human species C. technological innovation is a more important adaptive mechanism than either heredity or direct encounter D. conditions during the upper Pliocene and Pleistocene eras no longer affect the course of human evolution [单项选择]客户同时申请银行介质及密码重置的业务处理,在身份核实验正后,在受理客户正式挂失()天后,方可办理补领新卡、折、单,支取存款和密码重置手续。
A. 1 B. 5 C. 7 [多项选择]下列关于案件管辖说法正确的是()。
A. 上级工商行政管理机关可以直接查处下级工商行政管理机关管辖的案件 B. 上级工商行政管理机关可以将自己管辖的案件交由下级工商行政管理机关管辖 C. 重大、疑难案件,下级工商行政管理机关可以报请上级工商行政管理机关管辖 D. 对管辖权发生争议,上级工商行政管理机关可以指定下级工商行政管理机关管辖 [多选题]对料石粉碎车间进行作业条件危险性分析时,需开展的工作包括 ( )
A.分析发生事故的可能性 B.危险性预先分析 C.统计暴露于危险环境的频率 D.计算事故发生的严重度 E.事故树的编制 [单选题]掌指关节叙述错误的是
A.指浅、深屈肌使之屈 B.骨间肌使之屈 C.蚓状肌使之屈 D.骨间肌使之伸 E.指伸肌使之伸 [多选题]防坠落装置在使用过程中的挂点选择,直接关系装置的有效使用和作业人员安全,下列挂点选择正确的是( )。
A.挂点应在垂直于工作场所的上方位置且安全空间足够高大,防止摆动和碰撞; B.挂点及挂点装置选择应牢固,强度满足要求; C.挂点位置应选择在活动的物体上; D.挂点应在平行于工作场所的位置。 [单项选择]近几年,人们的生活水平有了{{U}}显著{{/U}}地提高。
A. 轻微 B. 明显 C. 特别 D. 明白 [判断题]县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门可以在重要渔业水域、渔港设渔政监督管理机构。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
在进行安全技术交底时,下列哪项规定不予要求( ) A. 安全技术交底应结合施工作业场所状况、特点、工序,对危险因素、施工方案、规范标准、操作规程和应急措施进行交底 B. 安全技术交底应由交底人、被交底人、专职安全员进行签字确认 C. 安全检查应由项目负责人组织,专职安全员及相关专业人员参加,定期进行并填写检查记录 D. 施工负责人在分派生产任务时,应对相关管理人员、施工作业人员进行书面安全技术交底 [单选题] 供电企业应在用户每一个( )内按不同电价类别,分别安装用电计量装置。
A. 购电点 B. 供电点 C. 受电点 D. 计量点 [单项选择]保险营销员有下列情形之一的应当将《展业证》交还所属保险公司,保险公司应当及时向保险行业协会注销该保险营销员的《展业证》,以下哪种情况不属于《展业证》注销范围()
A. 与所属保险公司解除委托协议的 B. 《展业证》未通过年度审核的 C. 《资格证》被注销的 D. 《展业证》遗失未申请补办的 [多选题]可燃粉尘爆炸应具备条件,包括( )。
A.粉尘本身具有爆炸性 B.粉尘必须与空气充分混合 C.有足以引起 粉尘爆炸的火源 D.粉尘必须悬浮在空气中并与空气混合到爆炸浓度 [判断题]法定最高刑为 5 年以上不满 10 年有期徒刑的,经过 10 年以后认为必须追诉的,须报 请最高人民检察院核准。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] We hope that by observing the following points you will enjoy your visit to Christ Church without disturbing the life of the college.
* Please obey all notices and do not enter the areas marked Private.
* Please do not enter any college rooms.
* Please avoid leaving litter (杂物) ; picnicking within the college is not permitted.
* Please do not smoke.
* Please do not gather so as to obstruct (阻塞) paths or passages, particularly in the Hall.
* Please be as quiet as possible, remembering that this is a college where people are working.
* In the event of a fire or other danger, or if you hear a fire alarm or warning, please leave the building without delay. At all times please follow the advice of the Custodians (保安人员) who are here to help you.
* Closed circuit television surveillance (监视) is in operation. Images are being recorded for purposes of crime prevention and public safety.
* Thank you for visiting Christ Church. If you have any comments please write
A.油量严重不足 B.液压油严重污染 C.所用油品不当,黏度过低 D.牵引部液压油中水分超标 [单项选择]An administrator will replace five current servers. Which of the following is the MOST important to review before installing new servers?()
A. Verify uninterruptible power supply (UPS) load B. Verify if server consumes 220V C. Verify CPU load D. Verify if server consumes 110V [多项选择]参与中1/3锁骨骨折外侧段移位的因素有()。
A. 上肢重力的牵拉 B. 胸锁乳突肌的牵拉 C. 三角肌的牵拉 D. 胸大肌的牵拉 E. 肱二头肌的牵拉 [单选题] 隐性上斜视者小于( )可试用缓解棱镜进行矫正。
A.15△ B.20△ C.25△ D.10△ [填空题]传播学的四位奠基人是:政治学家()、心理学家()、社会学家()和心理学家()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高温作业环境是属于那种危害?( )
A.化学性 B.生物性 C.人体工学 D.物理性 [单项选择]世界上最早的智力测验是()。
A. 比纳一西蒙智力量表 B. 斯坦福一比纳量表 C. 韦克斯勒智力量表 D. 韦氏儿童智力量表 我来回答: 提交