The presentation layer is concerned with the () and semantics of the informationexchanged between two systems. The processes in two systems are usually exchanginginformation in the form. of character(),numbers, and so on. The information should be changed to bit()before .being transmitted. Because different computers use different encoding systems, the presentation layer is responsible for()between these different encoding methods. The presentation layer at the sender changes the information from its sender-dependent format into a common format. The presentation layer at the receiving machine changes the common format into its()dependent format.
Because different computers use different encoding systems, the presentation layer is responsible for()between these different encoding methods
Would you stoop to pick up a found
penny If you believe in the value of money or the possibility of luck, you
would. Unless, of course, you’re a teenager. When Nuveen Investments asked
1000 kids age 12 to 17 to name the sum they would bother to pick up, 58 percent
said a dollar or more. "Some won’t give pocket space to coins even if they’re
already in hand," says Neale Godfrey author of Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees. Many
high schoolers throw away the changes. As one boy explained to her, "what
am I going to do with it" The cavalier attitude is making some parents rethink the allowance tradition. The weekly stipend is meant to help kids learn about money, but some experts say too much cash--easily handed out in these flush times--and too few obligations can lead to a fiscally irresponsible future. Many kids have a "lack of understanding (of) how hard it A. many kids appreciated the value of coins B. many kids know how hard it is to earn money C. many kids don’t know the value of money D. many kids should be given more pocket money [单选题]《局铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》列车站停作业时,( )原则上应通过正常开启供旅客乘降的车门上下车,
A.乘警 B.检车员 C.所有列车工作人员 D.所有旅客 [单项选择]宏观调控的( )是经济运行的全局。
A. 基础 B. 本质 C. 主体 D. 客体 [判断题]依据《数据安全法》,国家支持开发利用数据提升公共及私人服务的智能化水平。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各项中,引起企业营业收入发生增减变动的是( )。
A.转销无法向非关联方支付的应付账款 B.接受固定资产捐赠 C.取得销售材料的收入 D.取得保险公司的灾害损失赔款 [单项选择]患儿突然发热、咽痛、“杨梅舌”,病后第3d,耳后颈部出现皮疹,然后发展为全身弥漫性鲜红皮疹,疹退后有皮屑。咽拭子培养的结果亦支持此病是猩红热。猩红热皮疹产生的原因是由于()
A. 链球菌溶血素的毒性作用 B. 透明质酸的扩散 C. 链球菌链激酶的扩散作用 D. 链球菌致热外毒素的毒性 E. 链球菌DNA酶的扩散作用 [多选题]铁路机车车辆在运行过程中发生冲突、脱轨、火灾、爆炸等影响铁路正常行车的事故,包括影响铁路正常行车的相关作业过程中发生的事故;或者铁路机车车辆在运行过程中与()及其他障碍物相撞的事故,均为铁路交通事故(以下简称事故)。
A.行人 B.机动车 C.非机动车 D.牲畜 [判断题]( )当X6132型万能铣床工作台不能快速进给时,经检查KM2已吸合,则应检查KM3的主触点是否接触不良。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]系统测试计划应该在软件开发的 ( ) 阶段制定。
A.需求分析 B.概要设计 C.详细设计 D.系统测试 [单选题]下列何项不是清胃散证的症状?( )
A.牙龈红肿溃烂 B.口气热臭 C.口干舌燥 D.齿松牙衄 E.牙痛 [多项选择]《中华人民共和国广告法》中明确规定,从事广告活动的禁止条款包括( )。
A. 大众传播媒介不得以新闻报道形式发布广告 B. 广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者不得在广告活动中进行任何形式的不正当竞争 C. 广告中使用的数据、统计资料等应当真实、准确,但不得表明其出处,以合理保障其相关利害关系人的利益 D. 未取得专利权的,不得在广告中谎称取得专利权 E. 广告不得使用国家级、最高级、最佳等用语 [简答题]简述清洁制动的作用。
[单选题]《中国铁路运输收入管理规定》运输企业收入管理部门每月对核算、结账完毕客货票据和整理报告的纸质或电子数据,应均衡、分批、完整地向统计部门移交。最后一批移交时间为次月()日 (遇法定节假日、双休日顺延)。
A.3 B.5 C.7 D.10 [单项选择]一般情况下脱氢分馏塔回流泵停运后分馏塔八层温度将()。
A. 上升 B. 不变 C. 下降 D. 恒定在200℃ [填空题]范氏方程有三项,A项、B/u项和Cu项,分别称()、()、()。
A. 庆大霉素 B. 妥布霉素 C. 阿米卡星 D. 西索米星 E. 卡那霉素 [单选题]高血压伴痛风者不宜用 ( )
A.氯沙坦 B.依那普利 C.硝苯地平 D.氢氯噻嗪 E.哌唑嗪 [填空题] There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, 【B1】 when and how they developed is unknown. They probably came 【B2】 just to give children something to do.
In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls 【B3】 other. In societies where social roles are 【B4】 determined boys pattern their play 【B5】 the activities of their fathers and girls after the tasks of their mothers. This is true because boys and girls are being 【B6】 . even in play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the 【B7】 world.
What is 【B8】 about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries 【B9】 how much they have remained the same. The 【B10】 have been mostly in terms of craftsmanship, mechanics, and technology. It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all part of the world and their persistence to the present 【B11】 is amazing. In Egypt, the Americas, China, Japan and among the Arctic peoples, gen
A. A.artistic B.local C.people’’s D.artificial [单项选择]В Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина входят такие рассказы, как Метель , Выстрел , Гробовщик , ______ и др.
A. Дубровский B. Станционный смотритель C. Медный всадник D. Пиковая дама 我来回答: 提交