Within 30 years, humans could be
debating whether to take charge of their own evolution. The average life span in the developed world will be 90, diseases will be diagnosed before symptoms appear, many humans will already be genetically modified and patients with heart diseases, cancer or dangerous infections will be treated with prescriptions tailored to their own genetic makeup, according to Francis Collins, one of the leaders of the project to sequence the entire human genome. By 2010, Collins told in a major international biotechnology forum in France this week, there could be predictive tests for at least 12 hereditary conditions, and scientists would understand the role that genes played in most common diseases. Embryoes developed by in vitro fertilization methods would be routinely scanned for genetic illnesses A. biotechnology B. gene theory C. pharmaceutics D. physics [单选题]血栓闭塞性脉管炎营养障碍期的特征性的表现是( )
A. 间歇性跛行 B. 足背静脉搏动减弱 C. 肢体坏疽 D. 游走性浅静脉炎 E. 静息痛 [填空题]以弄虚作假或者其他非法手段获得基本养老金和其他待遇的,由劳动保障行政部门追缴有关当事人的非法所得,可以处非法所得()倍以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
A.ICU病人 B.心内科病人 C.妇科病人 D.肝胆外科病人 E.眼科病人 [判断题]单结晶体管导通后,当发射极电压小于谷点电压UV时,单结晶体管电流截止。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发生水害断道等灾害时,根据现场情况及列车调度员的命令指示,对区间停车旅客列车在保证安全的情况下组织运行至前方站或退行至后方站,可能危及旅客安全时要及时疏散旅客。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]无线调车灯显设备使用中( )。
A.严禁其他无关人员使用 B.严禁调车长向连结员放权 C.可以远距离遥控指挥动车作业 D.严禁简化作业程序标准 [单选题]CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道结构板面承轨部分设置()。
A.挡肩 B.凸台 C.预裂缝 D.凹槽 [简答题]简述偏瘫患者的手杖步行方法。
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