Many people -- especially the
baby-boomers born between 1946 and 1964, who will be retiring over the next 20
years or so -- will be asking themselves whether they will have enough to keep
them comfortable in their old age, even if they save a lot. After all, it is
generally accepted that they cannot rely on the state. The burden on the
taxpayer would be too great. But, as already noted, financial wealth is just a claim on the assets produced by the economy. Making pensions a claim on the private sector rather than the public purse does not change the problem. Will businesses in 20 years’ time be producing enough income to pay the rewards and bond interest to pay baby-boomers their private-sector pensions And what will happen to asset prices if the boomers try to cash what they hold In demographic(人口统计学) terms A. It is questionable whether American economy can produce enough assets. B. If pensions are owned by private sector, baby-boomers don’t need to worry. C. The pyramid-scheme pattern of asset markets is undeniablly fixed. D. Savers can always sell assets at higher prices. [单选题]急性心肌梗死时发生室颤尽快应用( )。
A.非同步直流电复律 B.起搏器临时起搏 C.同步直流电复律 D.胸外心脏按压 E.体外反搏术 [单选题] 血友病患者的出血特点是( )
A. 多为自发性出血 B. 随年龄的增长出血症状逐渐减轻 C. 皮肤黏膜出血为主 D. 以关节腔出血或深部肌肉血肿为主 E. 颅内出血甚为常见 [单项选择]四川饲养的猪约占全国总数的( )。
A. 5% B. 20% C. 15% D. 12% [单选题]腰带和保险带、绳应有足够的( ),材质应耐磨,卡环(钩)应具有保险装置,操作应灵活。
A.拉伸弹性 B.机械强度 C.防腐性能 D.宽度要求 E.略 F.略 [单选题]“3/4”=( )mm
A.0.75 B.19.05 C. 3/4 D.7.5 [单选题]单选题
A.A-装设一组接地线 B.B-设警示标志 C.C-派专人监护 D.D-装设围栏 [单选题]测控装置遥测中电流的采集精度是(_)级。
A.0.2 B.0.5 C.5P D.10P E.略 F.略 [多选题]下列不属于联合收割机的判别标准的有( )
A. 《作业证》上省级农机、交通部门和县级农机管理部门公章不清晰或不全,以及未在有效期内的; B. 《作业证》登记信息与当前运输的联合收割机(插秧机)未对应或《作业证》有涂改; C. 联合收割机未悬挂正式号牌; D. 《作业证》登记信息与联合收割机(插秧机)号牌一致且无涂改; E. 未安装ETC车载装置的收割机运输车辆; F. 运输联合收割机(插秧机)必要配件以外,混装其他物品的 我来回答: 提交