I did not know the city at all and,
what is more, I couldn’t speak a word of the language. After having spent my
first day sight-seeing in the town-center, I decided to lose my way deliberately
on my second day, since I believed that this was the surest way of getting to
know my way around. I got on the first bus that passed and descended some thirty
minutes later in what must have been a suburb. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough. I discovered mysterious little book-shops in back streets and finally arrived at a market-place where I stopped and had coffee in an open-air calf. Then I decided to get back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about aimlessly for some time, I determined to ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived — and even that I A. the writer must have misunderstood the policeman when the latter showed him the way B. the policeman must have pointed him a wrong direction C. the writer couldn’t tell the right from the left D. the railway station was the only house in sight [单选题]公司各级单位可结合各自工作实际,分解落实企业文化建设考核指标,促进企业文化建设考核评价工作更加()。
A.真实、合理、科学 B.合理、准确、科学 C.准确、客观、有效 D.准确、客观、科学 [单选题]煤气管道的排水器之间的距离一般为( )。
A.200-250m B.150m C.300m [单选题]串并联离心消防泵由( )个叶轮对称布置组成。
A.一个 B.四个 C.三个 D.两个 [多选题]( )440.方向观测法观测水平角的测站限差有( )。
A.归零差 B.2C互差 C.测回差 D.竖盘指标差 E.大气折光误差 [简答题]怎样防止循环风的产生?
A. 询盘 B. 发盘 C. 还盘 D. 接受 [简答题]二次回风系统,夏季采用二次回风,冬季采用一次回风方案,这样做是否有好处?
[多选题]培训的目的是( )。
A.学会认知 B.培养共同战斗和生活的团体精神 [判断题]在电缆隧道的进出口处和接头区内,宜设置消防设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]会计专业技术资格证书实行定期登记制度。资格证书每3年登记一次。 ( )
[单选题]. 不属于高层建筑火灾的特点。()
A. 易形成立体燃烧 B. 易造成大量人员伤亡 C. 灭火作战难度大 D. 自动灭火系统灭火容易 [多选题]一张工作票中,()与()不得互相兼任。
A.工作负责人 B.工作许可人 C.工作班成员 D.工作票签发人 [单选题]消防水泵房电源取自()号变压器
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.6 [判断题])公安民警采取徒手制止违法犯罪行为后,应当使用制服性警械将其制服,并及时收缴其所持有凶器。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列哪些是心室肌快钠通道的特征
A. 激活快 B. 复活快 C. 对钠离子具有高度选择性 D. 配体门控性 [多选题]分部(分项)工程施工组织设计的主要内容有( )。
A.建设项目的工程概况 B.施工方法的选择 C.施工机械的选择 D.劳动力需求量计划 E.安全施工措施 [单选题]水泥化学分析方法,对烧失量、三氧化硫含量、氧化镁含量分别采用( )基准法。
A.灼烧差减法、硫酸钡重量法、EDTA滴定差减法 B.灼烧差减法、硫酸钡重量法、原子吸收光谱法 C.原子吸收光谱法、灼烧差减法、硫酸钡重量法 D.原子吸收光谱法、EDTA滴定差减法、硫酸钡重量法 我来回答: 提交