Nick was tired of life. Every day was
exactly the same. "What I need is a little adventure!" Nick thought as he waited at the bus stop one morning. Nick’s little adventure happened sooner than he had expected! While he was on the bus, reading his newspaper, the man sitting next to him suddenly pushed a large brown envelope in his hands. "Here, take this!" he murmured. Then he stood up and got off the bus before Nick could say a word. Nick sat There holding the envelope. It felt heavy. There were papers inside, or money perhaps. "I’d better hand it over to the police." He thought. There was a police station close to his office. But as he got off the bus, a man came up to him. He was obviously waiting for something. "He wants the envelope." Nick thought. Nick began to walk quickly and the man hurried after him. Nick starte A. was a policeman B. wanted to kill Nick C. was Nick’s boss D. wanted the envelope [判断题]安全正点是运输质量的质量问题。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]混酥制品的成熟多采用烘烤成熟的方法。 你认为这一说法:( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高倍数泡沫灭火系统不适用于扑救( )火灾。
A.炸药 B.未封闭的带电设备 C.控制流淌的液化天然气 D.金属铁 E.五氧化二磷 [判断题]按照《营运货车安全技术条件 第 1 部分:载货汽车》,燃气汽车应安装气体泄漏报警装置,所有管路接头处均不应出现漏气现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《交通运输部网络安全管理办法》规定运行单位应采取技术措施监测.记录运行状态和网络安全事件留存相关的网络日志不少于( )个月。
A.12 B.18 C.3 D.6 [多选题]禁止使用()的脚扣和登高板。
A.金属部分变形 B.绳(带)损伤 C.金属部分严重变形 D.绳(带)严重损伤 [填空题]
· Read the article below about a civil rights lawsuit. · Choose the best sentence from the list A-H to fill each of the gaps. · For each gap (8-12) mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. · Do not use any letter more than once. An assistant store manager at Costco Wholesale Corp. filed a
federal civil rights lawsuit against the retail chain Tuesday, alleging that she
was passed over for a promotion{{U}} (8) {{/U}}.
{{U}} (9) {{/U}}The suit claims that females rarely get high-level management jobs. The lead attorney in the case, Brad Seligman, executive director of the nonprofit Impact Fund, is also suing Wal-Mart Stores Inc., alleging that the Arkansas-based retailer pays women lower wages and promotes them less than their male counterparts.{{U}} (10) {{/U}}. But it is stalled in an appeals court, and the merits have not been litigated. The Costco case concerns Shirley "Rae" Ellis of Auror [填空题]现代汉语词汇除大量创造新词以外,同时不断吸收方言词、()和()。
[单选题]列车运行速度() km/h及以上线路全封闭、全立交,线路两侧按标准进行栅栏封闭,并设置相应的警示标志。
A.200 B.160 C.120 D.80 [多选题]( )不是侦检仪器的报警方式。
A.报警指示灯报警 B.声光报警 C.蜂鸣器报警 D.振动报警 [多选题]下列哪些是保证在电气设备上安全工作的组织措施?( )
A.悬挂标示牌 B.工作许可制度 C.停电 D.验电 E.工作票制度 [单选题]辙叉心纵向水平裂纹一侧裂纹长度超过()判为重伤。
A.50mm B.00mm C.80mm D.100mm [单选题]铁路信息系统应坚持的原则不包括( )
A.统一监督 B.统一领导 C.统一管理 D.统一建设 [判断题]《南昌局集团公司电子客票客运组织应急预案》(客管函〔2020〕99号)适用于电子客票应用条件下,站车发生大范围核验、售检票设备故障和列车验票故障时的客运组织应急处置工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]RS-449规定了DTE和DCE之间的机械特性和电气特性。。()(4188)
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]有机物的构成元素为碳、氢、氮和少量的______等
A. 铜 B. 硫 C. 铁 D. 磷 [多选题]管道光缆应定期检查管孔内:( )。
A.光缆托架、托板是否完好 B.光缆走线是否合理、排列整齐 C.光缆标志是否醒目 D.光缆外护层、光缆接续盒有无腐蚀、损坏变形等 [单选题]矿井应当每( )至少检查1次隔爆设施的安装地点、数量、水量或者岩粉量及安装质量是否符合要求。
A.日 B.周 C.旬 D.月 [判断题]心理垃圾在心里积存太久会毒化心灵,而牢骚、苦闷、悔恨、怨气、委屈或者愤怒的时候,倾诉就是倒垃圾。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当IDG(整体驱动发电机)被脱开后,在( )完成复位工作。
A. 空中或地面,发动机运转的状态下由飞行员完成 B. 在空中状态下由飞行员完成;在地面,发动机切断的状态下由地面勤务人员完成 C. 只能在空中,发动机运转的状态下完成 D. 只能在地面状态下完成 [判断题]视频设备宜与相关业务应用系统挂接,视频、音频的开启与录制宜满足相关监控需求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]泥岩一般为()。
A.潜水层 B.隔水层 C.含水层 [不定项选择题]30岁女性患者,突发尿频、尿急、尿痛2天。体检:体温38.6℃,左肾区叩击痛,尿常规:蛋白(+),白细胞10~15/HP,红细胞4~10/HP。
A.3天疗法 B.2周疗法 C.系统联合用药 D.低剂量抑菌疗法 E.以上都不是 [单项选择]()就是要保持工作于生活的热情,让激情产生动力,让动力产生执行力。
A. 无过心态 B. 成功心态 C. 预期心态 D. 激情心态 [判断题]【技能鉴定2019 初级工】112.功率因数是交流电路中无功功率与视在功率的比值,即功率因数其大小与电路的负荷性质有关( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( ) 控制区内不准进食、喝水和抽烟, 但可以嚼口香糖。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]甲是一名16周岁的在校学生,国庆节放假期间,他在火车站附近持刀抢劫一路人人民币5000元,将赃款挥霍后到公安机关投案自首。下列内容不属于本案证明对象的是(
A.甲在校学生的身份 B.甲抢劫时的年龄 C.国庆节期间放长假的事实 D.甲犯罪后自首的情节 我来回答: 提交