Passage One
When Dance Speaks the Unspoken and No Language Is Required 当舞蹈说出没有说出的话,就无需语言了 A complete dancer today, is well trained in more than one discipline. The European dance scene has seen a rebirth of the influence of Spanish dance with the fusion of Flamenco and Classical Spanish Dance with other styles. The excitements of these fusions are very present in the Bay Area, which is America’s hotbed of Flamenco. This heat wave of creation, arrived last summer in Walnut Creek with the premiere concert season of Carolina Lugo’s Brisas de Espa—a Flamenco Dance Company. Carolina’s company not only presents the powerful intense energy of solo flamenco but the grace and joy of classical dances. She herself was trained in classical Spanish dance, which A. the great artist’ joining the company for performance at ease B. traveling by air and communicating through the Internet C. the fast changing of world’s cultures D. the emergence international artists one after another [单选题] 耻骨上膀胱造口护理下列哪项错误()
A. 拔管后有漏尿应再次插入 B. 切口敷料浸湿及时更换 C. 拔管前先夹管观察 D. 冲洗膀胱保持引流通畅 E. 瘘口周围皮肤每天清洗消毒 [简答题]测量钻井液密度时,将要测定的钻井液装满钻井液密度样品杯,冲洗从小孔溢出的钻井液后加盖。
[多选题]下列情形中,可以适用取保候审的是:( )
A.被告人可能被判处管制或者拘役的 B.被告人患有严重疾病、生活不能自理 C.被告人可能被判处独立适用附加刑的 D.被告人正在怀孕或者正在哺乳自己婴儿 [单项选择]目前防止非洲猪瘟传入我国的最关键措施是()
A. 开展流行病学调查 B. 控制边境虫媒传播 C. 严格入境免疫 D. 易感猪接种疫苗 E. 易感猪接种高效血清 [单项选择]当样品中待测物质含量很低而分析方法的灵敏度又不足时,()常可同时起到分离与富集的双重作用。
A. 蒸馏 B. 消解 C. 萃取 [单选题]雷雨天气,需要巡视室外高压设备时,应穿( ),并不准靠近避雷器和避雷针。
A.雨鞋 B.绝缘靴 C.橡胶鞋 D.绝缘鞋 [名词解释]糖源性腹泻
[单选题]关于教育行动研究的协同合作,如下哪项不是中小学教师开展的合作( )。
A. 一线教师之间的合作 B. 研究机构的专家与一线教师之间的合作 C. 一线教师与高校教师之间的合作 D. 研究机构的专家与高校教师之间的合作 [单选题]属于生理性红细胞增多的情况是( )
A.慢性肺源性心脏病 B.某些肿瘤疾病如肾癌、肝癌等 C.发绀型先天性心脏病 D.高原居民 E.真性红细胞增多症。 [单选题]中间点RVR故障对II类PA着陆最低标准的影响:
A.RVR不小于550米 B.RVR不小于800米 C.无影响 D.不允许 我来回答: 提交