Friends play an important part in our
lives, and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted, we often
don’t clearly understand how we make friends. (76){{U}}While we get on well with a
number of people, we are usually friends with only a very. few--for example, the
average among students is about 6 per person.{{/U}} Moreover, a great many relationships come under the general term "friendship". In all cases, two people like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degree of closeness between them and the reasons for their common interest vary greatly. At first, much depends on how people meet, and on favorable first impressions. As we get to know people, we take into account things like age, race, physical attractiveness, economic and social status, and intelligence. Although these f A. appearance B. social status C. facial expressions D. salary [单项选择]第一恒磨牙开始矿化的时间是
A. 3~4个月 B. 6~7个月 C. 出生时 D. 出生后6个月 E. 出生后1年 [单选题]与氯贝丁酯化学结构类似的药物是
A.非诺贝特 B.沙丁胺醇 C.普萘洛尔 D.尼群地平 E.克仑特罗 [判断题]活动性肺结核病是粉尘岗位的职业禁忌证
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《建设工程文件归档整理规范》制定的目的是什么?
[单选题]正确实施呼吸道卫生和咳嗽礼仪,不包括以下哪项( )
A.所有进入医疗机构的人员均应当佩戴合格的医用口罩,可佩戴有呼气阀的口罩。 B.患者接受诊疗时非必要不摘除口罩。 C.在不影响正常诊疗工作前提下,应保持至少 1 米的社交距离。 D.在咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾或肘部遮掩口鼻,手部接触呼吸道分泌物后即刻实施手卫生。 [单选题]主阳明气分热盛的脉是( )
A.伏脉 B.弱脉 C.牢脉 D.洪脉 E.细脉 [单项选择]痴呆辨证分型见有忽笑忽歌,喜怒无常,记忆力减退甚至丧失症状多属()。
A. 肝肾亏虚 B. 气血不足 C. 痰浊闭窍 D. 瘀血阻络 E. 肝阳上亢 [判断题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司高速铁路行车组织细则》(上铁师〔2018〕15号 )规定,动车组列车在始发、中间站(含折返站)进行上水作业的,作业人员上水作业完毕,须关(锁)闭上水口盖板并确认后通知车站客运人员,车站客运人员通知列车长,列车长须得到车站客运人员的确认后,按要求报告司机(或随车机械师)关闭车门。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述信息资源管理的内容。
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