Besides active foreign enterprises and
a (31) number of private employers, a consequential new
development was the development of employment in state-owned enterprises
(guanying or guanshang ). Started by some (32) Qing
officials, the yangwupai, in the late nineteenth century, sizable
state-owned enterprises developed primarily (33) enhancing
China’s national defense. Famous industrial giants of today’s China such as the
shipyards in Shanghai and heavy industries in cities like Wuhan, Nanjing, and
Chongqing were built by the Qing or the Republic governments. Some of them later
began to (34) considerable private investment. After World
War Ⅱ, this type of stateowned employment became very important. Labor in
those enterprises consisted basically (35) two tiers: a
largely market-oriented allocation of blue-coll A. noneconomical B. ineconomic C. noneconomic D. ineconomical [单选题] ( )是党生存发展第一位的问题,事关党的前途命运和事业兴衰成败
A. 政治领导 B. 政治方向 C. 政治态度 D. 政治风险 [单选题]CRH380B型动车组牵引变压器具有( )次线圈绕组。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]下列关于重要空白凭保管的说法错误的是( )
A.非营业时间,营业机构存放重要空白凭证,应采取一定的安全防卫措施 B.无人值守的营业机构,不得留存重要空白凭证。 C.营业期间,临时离柜时重要空白凭证应整理后整齐放置于办公桌上,不得随意放置。 D.人员少的营业机构,凭证管理员可由普通柜员兼任。 [单项选择]骨与关节结核多见于
A. 肘关节 B. 肩关节 C. 脊柱 D. 髋关节 E. 膝关节 [单选题]三层交换的概念是
A.路由一次,交换多次 B.交换一次,路由多次 C.路由一次,交换一次 D.路由多次,交换多次 [单选题]旅客指经( )同意在民用航空器上载运除机组成员以外的任何人。
A.承运人 B.机场 C.售票处 D.机场地勤 我来回答: 提交