Humans are forever forgetting that they
can’ t control nature. Exactly 20 years ago, a Time magazine cover story
announced that scientists are on the verge of being able to predict the time,
place and even the size of earthquakes. "The people of quake-ravaged Kobe
learned last week how wrong that assertion was." None of the methods conceived two decades ago has yet to discover a uniform warning signal that preceded all quakes, let alone any sign that would tell whether the coming tremor is mild or a killer. Earthquake formation can be triggered by many factors, says Hiroo Kanamori, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology. So, finding one all-purpose warning sign is impossible. One reason: Quakes start deep in the earth, so scientists can’ t study them directly. If a quake precursor were found, it would A. A man that may come before the happening of an earthquake. B. The leading factor that may cause a series of events to occur. C. Any meaningful sign that indicates some would-be happenings. D. An event that may have symbolic or significant nature. [多项选择]机动车索引有轨运输钢轨的质量宜为()
A. 16kg/m B. 24kg/m C. 38kg/m D. 8kg/m [单项选择]该病人在初期疼痛时应采取:
A. 疏筋活血,通络止痛 B. 补肾坚骨,通络止痛 C. 健脾实体,通络止痛 D. 除湿散寒,通络止痛 E. 行气活血,消肿止痛 [单选题]可以将当日未安装完的电能表交由施工方跨日保管。
A.A:对。 B. C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [填空题]由司机负责简略试验时,应根据( )及时缓解列车制动。ZG57
A.作业人员 B.工作负责人 C.工作签发人 D.工作许可人 [单选题]为了排除梗阻因素所致的尿路感染,首选下列哪项检查
A.泌尿系CT B.IVP C.泌尿系彩超 D.泌尿系造影 E.以上都不对 [判断题]疏散是以最快的速度,将乘客由不安全区域,引导至安全区域的一种客流控制方法
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]同一种其他如苯,既属于可燃气体有属于有毒气体时,应只设置有毒气体检测器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肾上腺皮质肿瘤引起的库欣综合征与库欣病鉴别,最有意义的试验检查是()。
A. 血皮质醇昼夜节律 B. 24小时尿17-羟类固醇 C. 过夜地塞米松抑制试验 D. 小剂量地塞米松抑制试验 E. 大剂量地塞米松抑制试验 [判断题]临时用电应设置保护开关,使用前应检查电气装置和保护设施的可靠性。所有的临时用电均设置接地保护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电力建设-变电专业安全施工方案如需变更,应重新履行审批手续,不需要组织交底。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]空胶囊系由囊体和囊帽组成,其主要制备流程是
A.溶胶-蘸胶(制坯)-干燥-拔壳-切割-整理 B.溶胶-蘸胶(制坯)-拔壳-干燥-切割-整理 C.溶胶-拔壳-切割-蘸胶(制坯)-干燥-整理 D.溶胶-拔壳-干燥-蘸胶(制坯)-切割-整理 E.溶胶-干燥-蘸胶(制坯)-拔壳-切割-整理 [单选题]油压式千斤顶的顶升高度不得超过限位标志线;螺旋式及齿条式千斤顶的顶升高度不得超过螺杆或齿条高度的( )。
A.2|3 B.3|4 C.4|5 [单选题]昆明地铁四号线的有效乘车时长是()。
A.120分钟 B.180分钟 C.160分钟 D.100分钟 [单选题]选用热阻系数低、击穿强度高的绝缘材料,能降低绝缘层热阻,提高电缆()。
A.A、供电电压 B.B、损耗 C.C、输送距离 D.D、载流量 [单项选择]关于保险期间和保险责任开始时间的陈述,不正确的是()。
A. 保险期间是指保险合同的有效期间 B. 保险责任开始时间是指保险人开始承担赔偿责任的时间 C. 保险人仅在保险期间内履行保险义务 D. 保险责任开始时间未必与保险期间的开始时间完全一致 [多选题]根据《高速铁路接触网故障抢修规则》规定,供电段、接触网工区、应急值守点及抢修基地(抢修列车)应配齐抢修()等,并定期组织检查,抢修材料使用后要及时补充到位,保证数量充足,状态良好。
A.材料 B.工具 C.备品 D.通讯和防护用具 [多项选择]下列各项记账差错中,运用余额试算平衡法可查出其误的有( )
A. 一笔业务的记录全都被漏记 B. 在过账时误将借方数额过人贷方 C. 某一账户借方或贷方本期发生额的计算有误 D. 过账时误将某账户发生额过人另一账户的同一方向 [简答题]在张掖县农业学大寨运动中,经县委推荐,地委、省委批准,谁以农民党代表的身份,于1977年8月光荣出席了党的第十一次全国代表大会。
[单项选择]The Westlife story really began way back in December 1996 when the three original members of Westlife were performing in a local production of the musical Grease. Shane Filan, Kian Egan and Mark Feehilly were all born and bred in Sligo, a small town a few hours west of the Republic of Ireland’s capital city, Dublin. During breaks the three would get together and sing covers of some of their favorite songs including Boyz Ⅱ Men’s I Make Love To You. The reaction to their singing was so positive that they decided to form a band as soon as they had finished their exams at school. This they duly did and on July 3 1997 they formed I.O.U.
The boys organized concerts in the area and even produced their own CDs to sell locally. This local success led to an appearance on TV that was to prove extremely important. Among the viewers who saw the trio perform in a children’s hospital was Boyzone’s manager, Louis Walsh. Soon after Shane’s mother contacted him about I.O.U. and found he had been de A. Bryan McFadden will have to give up the second album. B. Mariah Carey has taken Ronan Keating’s role. C. Westlife might be upset about Ronan Keating’s withdrawal. D. Westlife will have the second album recorded in the U.S. [判断题])人民警察发现实施犯罪的人是怀孕妇女、儿童的,一律不得使用枪支。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《高速铁路无砟轨道线路维修规则》规定:滑床板损坏、变形或滑床台磨耗大于5mm时,应进行修理或更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]严禁重叠使用不带重叠连接装置的起重气垫。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](2018年5月) 培训项目收费标准的核定管理费用系数“Y”一般控制在( )之间,不宜过高。
A.5% B.5%~10% C.10%~20% D.10%~25% [单项选择]参与组成踝关节的有()
A. 趾骨 B. 腓骨 C. 跖骨 D. 跟骨 [填空题]当线性表的元素总数基本稳定,且很少进行插入和删除操作,但要求以很快的速度存取线性表的数据元素时,应采用 【5】 存储结构。
[单选题](468055)检查仪器在全波长或某一指定波长范围内,光束能量平衡的情况和检测器接收能量变化给电路带 来的影响是( )。((1.0分)
A.波长准确度 B.漂移 C.基线平直度 D.噪声 我来回答: 提交