Within a month of moving to London from
Los Angeles in September 2002, Jacob Sager Weinstein started sending long
e-mails to family and friends under the name "Jacob’s London Diary ’. "I had a few goals," Weinstein said recently. "Keeping in touch with family and friends was a major one. But I also wanted to preserve the memories of our experiences in this new country and maintain my writing muscles." Then out of nowhere, Weinstein said, he began getting requests to be added to the distribution list from people he did not know--usually because someone had forwarded one of his entries. The requests made him start thinking about broadening his audience. So in February 2004 he created his own blog at {{U}}www. yankeefog. com.{{/U}} "I usually describe it as the adventures of a comedy writer in London," he said. Weins A. It feeds the ego for many people. B. It is to publish online about interesting topics. C. It is written in a more conversational tone than other Web sites. D. The Web pages with postings can be read by anyone using the Internet. [单选题]公安消防队、专职消防队扑救火灾、应急救援,( )费用。
A.不得收取任何 B.可以适当收取一定的 C.不可以收取劳务 D.收取所损耗的燃料、灭火剂和器材、装备等 [判断题] 电网低频运行会导致发电厂功率下降。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]各种车辆和行人通过电气化铁路平交道口必须遵守:通过道口车辆限界及货物装载高度(从地面算起)不得超过()米,超过时,应绕行立交道口或进行货物倒装。
A. 2 B. 3.5 C. 4 D. 4.5 [单项选择]关于大网膜移植,下列哪项是错的
A. 大网膜富有血管及淋巴管 B. 大网膜面积可达800cm2 C. 大网膜切去后不能再生 D. 有一定厚度,可塑形 E. 大网膜可用作吻合血管的游离移植 [简答题]刑事案件的侦查、预审由公安机关进行,法律另有规定的除外。
对 错 [单项选择]疟疾病人采血( )
A. 定时 B. 空腹 C. 畏寒发热时 D. 夜间熟睡时 E. 发热,用抗生素前 [单项选择]手太阴肺经的起止穴是()
A. 少商、中府 B. 中府、少商 C. 商阳、中府 D. 中府、商阳 E. 商阳、迎香 我来回答: 提交