W: If we hurry we can take the express train and save an hour.
M: Yes. The express takes only three hours to get to New York.
The events of Sept. 11 have ratcheted
up security at American airports to the highest level ever, according to a
spokesman for Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta. But to say there is plenty
of room for improvement puts it mildly. Hundreds of employees with access to
high-security areas at 15 U. S. airports have been arrested or indicted by
federal law enforcement officials for using phony Social Security numbers, lying
about criminal convictions0r being in the United States illegally. None of those
arrested had terrorist links, but some aviation experts said the workers were in
a position to help smuggle weapons or bombs aboard aircraft if they had
wanted. Tests ordered by President Bush and conducted by federal agents at 32 airports between November and February, when airports were on highest alert, showed that security screeners failed to detect kn A. not famous B. well known for something bad C. well known for something exciting D. well known for something permanent [填空题]CRH1A-A型动车组车顶测量T型头与变压器出线A端子之间的距离,应不大于( )mm。
A.患者 B.犬 C.猫 D.鼠和猪 E.带菌者 [简答题]旅游团结束当地的旅游活动离开酒店时,地陪应做好哪些服务工作?(3分)
[判断题]区别新民主主义革命与旧民主主义革命的根本标志是革命领导权不同( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]制定《安全生产法》的目的:( )。
A.为了加强安全生产监督管理 B.防止和减少生产安全事故 C.保障人民群众生命和财产安全 D.促进经济发展。 [判断题]切断麻绳、纤维绳的绳索时,应先将预定切断的两边用线绳扎结,以免切断后绳索松散,断头应编结处理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]公司雨水排水标准( )
A.CODCr≤50mg/L B.NH3-N≤15mg/l C.pH6~9 D.以上都不是 [判断题]EXST是指额外占座旅客( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]If you do not fasten your safety belt, ______ (你受伤的可能性) will be greater.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各项有关应付票据的说法中,不正确的是( )。
A.企业应当设置应付票据备查簿 B.我国商业汇票的付款期限不超过6个月 C.商业承兑汇票到期无力支付,企业应将应付票据按账面余额转作应付账款 D.银行承兑汇票到期无力支付,企业应将应付票据的账面余额转作应付账款 [单项选择]减少甲状腺肿大和动脉性充血()
A. 甲硫氧嘧啶 B. 普萘洛尔 C. 卢戈液 D. 甲状腺素 E. 地西泮及泼尼松 我来回答: 提交