Local government is established (26) the purpose of representing local community interests. Many tourism researchers maintain that community support for proposed tourism developments is a key ingredient for its future success. Two communities with different approaches (27) local wishes are Cairns and Byron Bay. Byron Bay residents were surveyed by their local council to establish community attitudes (28) tourism development. The majority wanted to live (29) a town promoted natural coastal environment and low-rise streetscapes (30) its tourism attraction. The town has been very successful in doing just that, much to the chagrin of Club Med, who wanted to develop a resort in the area. Cairns, on the other (31) , had to handle local protesters when a new resort was pro posed for Trinity Inlet. (32) the plan was subsequently turned (33) , and the developer awarded millions in compensation for expenses incurred in f
A. from
B. of
C. off
D. to
When it comes to translating basic research into industrial success, few nations can match Germany. Since the 1940s, the nation’s vast industrial base has been fed with a constant stream of new ideas and expertise from science. And though German prosperity (繁荣) has faltered (衰退) over the past decade because of the huge cost of unifying east and west as well as the global economic decline, it still has an enviable (令人羡慕的) record for turning ideas into profit. Much of the reason for that success is the Fraunhofer Society, a network of research institutes that exists solely to solve industrial problems and create sought-after technologies. But today the Fraunhofer institutes have competition. Universiti A. "experts". B. "scientists". C. "scholars". D. "special knowledge". [单选题]由个体内在的需要引起的动机叫( )。
A.成就动机 B.外部动机 C.认知动机 D.内部动机 [单选题] 下面属于起爆器材的是()。
A.火帽、工程雷管、引信雷管 B.拉火管、工程雷管、导火索 C.点火具、引信雷管、工程雷管 D.引信雷管、工程雷管、导爆索 [单项选择]( )是物资采购贯穿始终的准绳。
A. 适时适量保证供应 B. 保证采购物资的质量 C. 费用最省 D. 库存最低 [单项选择]在保险合同中,( )主要用于说明保险人依照法律规定或者合同约定,不承担保险责任的范围的条款。
A. 保险责任条款 B. 责任免除条款 C. 基本条款 D. 特约条款 [单选题]在水/钢界面上,水中入射角为7°,在钢中主要存在的振动波形是( )。
A.纵波 B.横波 C.纵波和横波 D.表面波 [单项选择]“八议”中有“议宾”一项,“宾”指( )。
A. 皇帝的亲戚 B. 皇帝的故旧 C. 外邦的客人 D. 前朝君主的后代 [单项选择]“身以前皆热”是哪一经气盛的表现
A. 任脉 B. 手少阴心经 C. 冲脉 D. 足阳明胃经 E. 足太阴脾经 [多选题]实习生实习期限符合规定的有()。
A.五个月 B.三个月 C.一个月 D.一年 [判断题]火灾是失去控制的燃烧所造成的灾害。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]军事气象学就是研究气象条件对军事活动、武器技术装备使用的影响,如何对军队实施气象保障以及把人工影响局部天气运用于军事的科学。
[单项选择]建设单位制定临时管理规约的时间为( )。
A. 物业销售之前 B. 物业销售之后 C. 业主入住之前 D. 业主入住之后 [简答题] 管理服务精细化的目标要求是什么?
A. 泽泻、山药、山茱萸、熟地 B. 山药、山茱萸、熟地、附子 C. 附子、肉桂、鹿角胶、茯苓 D. 山茱萸、熟地、附子、肉桂 [多选题]配电站所类建(构)筑物的巡视应注意(____)。
A.建(构)筑物周围有无杂物,有无可能威胁配电网设备安全运行的杂草、蔓藤类植物等 B.建(构)筑物的门、窗、钢网有无损坏,房屋、设备基础有无下沉、开裂,屋顶有无漏水、积水,沿沟有无堵塞 C.户外环网单元、箱式变电站等设备的箱体有无锈蚀、变形 D.建(构)筑物、户外箱体的门锁是否完好 [单选题]在一经合闸即可送电到工作地点的断路器(开关)和隔离开关(刀闸)的操作处或机构箱门锁把手上及熔断器操作处,应悬挂“禁止分闸,有人工作!”标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [填空题]Tom: ____________
Jamie: Sure. What is it
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