Earlier this year I met with a group of
women in Matela, a small fanning village in Tanzania, and we discussed something
that’s been on all of our minds lately: finding a safe place to save money. The
women said their babies were getting sick from malaria (疟疾), and they
could afford.the drugs if they saved money over time--but with no access to
formal savings accounts, they had a hard time safeguarding cash. So they saved
in risky and inefficient ways. They made loans to each other, or bought goats or
jewelry, then sold them if they suddenly needed money. The success of microloans has opened new opportunities for many poor people and has been a crucial factor in reducing poverty. But loans are not enough. Savings accounts could help people in the developing world with unexpected events, A. A.They are subordinate to banks. B.They are cooperative with banks. C.They are taking the place of banks. D.They are being changed into banks. [单项选择]风险管理的过程依顺序为()
A. 风险识别、风险处理、风险衡量、风险管理效果评价 B. 风险识别、风险衡量、风险处理、风险管理效果评价 C. 风险衡量、风险识别、风险处理、风险管理效果评价 D. 风险管理效果评价、风险识别、风险衡量、风险处理 [判断题]对运行中可能产生电火花、电弧和高温危险的电气设备和装置,不应放置在易燃的危险场所。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]从某种意义上讲振荡器相当于一个直流放大器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]28岁已婚未产妇,停经47天,尿妊娠试验(+)。突感右下腹疼痛,面色苍白,恶心,出汗,阴道少量出血,体温不高,既往有盆腔炎病史
A. 最可能的诊断为输卵管妊娠破裂 B. 妇科检查:子宫稍大,软,宫颈举痛,后穹隆饱满 C. 血压下降,脉搏增快 D. 后穹隆穿刺为脓性液体 E. 血HCG可升高 [名词解释]“歌舞伎”
[单选题]不适合连挂在列车中部但走行部良好的车辆,经列车调度准许,可挂于列车尾部,以( )为限。
A.l辆 B.2辆 C.3辆 D.4辆 [单选题]下列名人的别称与命名方式对应正确的一项是()。①封号、陶靖节②谥号、平原君③籍贯、柳河东④字、辛幼安
A.①③②④ B.④③②① C.②①③④ D.③②④① 我来回答: 提交