That particularly humorless boss or
dour neighbor may not have a personality defect---but a different brain
structure, research published Wednesday suggests. Scientists in Canada say they
have found how brain damage can affect a person’s sense of humor, adding to
evidence that humor may be hard-wired into the brain. A team at the University of Toronto and the Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care in Toronto found that people with damage to the right frontal lobe of their brains do not really "get" ironic jokes the way they should. Instead, they prefer slapstick humor. "We always thought of humor as an intangible part of our personality," Prathiba Shammi of the University of Toronto, a psychologist who worked on the study, said in a statement. "Now we know humor can be tested and scientifically scruti A. A.can be tested and scientifically scrutinized B.has something to do with a person’s brain C.cannot be found in brain-damaged people an intangible part of a person’s personality [单选题]在同一层级的安全生产立法对同一类问题均作出相应规定时,其法律适用原则是( )。
A.普通法优于特殊法 B.特殊法优于普通法 C.普通法与特殊法同等适用 D.具体问题具体分析 [单选题]某公司希望所投资项目2 年末有100 万元资金,年复利率为10%,则现在需要一次投入( )万元。
A.82.64 B.121 C.90 D.110 [单项选择]It was in the village ______ now is a small town ______ the earthquake occurred.
A. where, which B. which, where C. which, that D. that, where [单项选择]最常见的卵巢肿瘤是
A. 浆液性囊腺瘤 B. 黏液性囊腺瘤 C. 畸胎瘤 D. 库肯勃瘤 E. 颗粒细胞瘤 [判断题]( )毒害品系指进入肌体后,累积达一定的量,能与体液和组织发生生物化学用作或生物物理学变化,扰乱或破坏肌体的正常生理功能,引起暂时性或持入性的病理状态,甚至危及生命的物品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 依据《DL 5009.2-2013 电力建设安全工作规程 第2部分电力线路》第8.3.3条规定:停电、送电工作必须指定专人负责。( )采用口头或约时停电、送电。
A.必要时可以 B.紧急情况可以 C.任何情况都可以 D.严禁 [多选题]以下哪些属于公司目前的废气排放点?( )
A. 破碎机除尘器排气口 B. 振筛除尘器排气口 C. 电磁烘干排气口 D. 化验废气排放口 E. 矿石存矿场扬尘 [单选题]当风力达到()以上时,受风面积较大的物体不宜起吊。
A.4级 B.5级 C.6级 D.7级 E./ F./ [单选题] 下面()选项可以提高系统OSNR。 (4分) 查看答案
A.FEC编码 B.ERZ调制技术 C.提高单波入纤功率 D.自适应接收电平调制 [多项选择]( )等管线可以布置在非机动车道或机动车道下面。
A. 给水输水管线 B. 雨污排水管线 C. 热力管线 D. 电力电缆 E. 电信电缆 [判断题]支部委员会会议一般每月召开一次,如遇紧急事情需要研究,可随时召开。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述"风格就是人"的内涵?
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