In 1975 the Congress of the United
States passed the Education of All Handicapped Children Act, a (1)
document in special education that has since (2)
numerous amendments. A 1990 amendment renamed the law the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA requires public schools (3) a free and appropriate education to all disabled children. The law also requires that all children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 receive support services, such as (4) or physical therapy, (5) the type or seriousness of their disability. (6) the provisions of IDEA, schools must (7) all children with disabilities. To do this school officials provide each child with a comprehensive (8) conducted by teachers, the parents, and appropriate specialists, such as children with speech A. allowance B. access C. permission D. admission [单选题]固井注水泥作业时,所有作业指令均由( )发出,注水泥操作顺序按设计执行。[1分]
A.钻井队长 B.钻井监督 C.固井队长 D.施工指挥 [单项选择]女性患者,47岁。诊断为风心病,二尖瓣狭窄伴快速房颤,应用地高辛0.25mg/d一个月,心室律突然转为规则,50次/分,提示()。
A. 已经转为窦性心律 B. 已达洋地黄化 C. 仍应用洋地黄,给予维持量 D. 可能为洋地黄中毒 E. 转为心房扑动伴有房室传导阻滞 [单项选择]京津冀三地地域一体、文化一脉,历史渊源深厚,各自优势明显,互补性强,合作开发潜力巨大,建成新的首都经济圈,协同发展,将带动潜力巨大的北方辽阔腹地发展。这说明()
A. 事物之间的联系构成事物的发展 B. 关键部分的功能对整体功能起决定作用 C. 任何事物都处在普遍联系之中 D. 真理是主观与客观具体历史的统一 [判断题]TLG1-400/25型高压连接器依靠机车连挂车钩的力量,与车钩同时对接。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]所有的煤层都有伪顶。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]2PSK相干解调时,载波恢复中相位模糊是( )。
A.90度和180度不定 B.0度和180度不定 C.90度和360度不定 D.0度和90度不定 [单选题]28.拉线绝缘子应装在最低穿越导线以下。钢筋混凝土电杆,当设置拉线绝缘子时,在下部断拉线 情况下拉线绝缘子距地面处不应小于( )m,地面范围的拉线应设置保护套。
A.2 B.2.5 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]下列降压药物中便秘发生率最高的药物是()。
A. 硝苯地平 B. 维拉帕米 C. 氯沙坦 D. 普萘洛尔 E. 卡托普利 [判断题]13号线电客车排障器装置安装在TMc车非动力转向架I位端部的水平梁上。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]
{{B}}Background Information{{/B}} Business meetings could be fun. It is not necessarily a man’s world. As businesswomen, we have our special advantages if only we allow ourselves to be creative. Now you can share with us our own joyful experience of new style of business meetings.
{{B}}Meetings without Meals{{/B}}
We don’t know about you, but we’re not that into golf. If you are, that’s great--you have a natural place to entertain like-minded clients, a reliable venue for talking shop with your colleagues, and a good spot for closing deals with prospects. Men have other business entertainment options at their disposal, including good, clean fun(i.e, the playoff game), and not-so-clean but--depending upon who you talk to--good fun(i.e, bars and strip clubs①). But as women, if we’re not into hitting the clubs( golf or otherwise), when we want to meet for business, we’re usually stuck [单项选择]
[多选题]群体规范是约束群体内成员的行为准则,包括( )。
A.成文的正式规范 B.口头约定的规范 C.约定俗成的规范 D.不成文的非正式规范 E.潜意识遵循的规范 [判断题] 年研制的载重80t的KF80型自翻车的最高商业运行速度达到了120km/h。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]属于艾炷直接灸的方法是
A. 瘢痕灸 B. 隔姜灸 C. 雷火针灸 D. 雀啄灸 E. 天灸 [单选题]对不良贷款重组承债人核定的专项用于承接不良债务的授信额度(),在重组方案经有权审批行审批同意后,按()自动增加承债人授信额度。
A.可不受授信额度理论值限制,承债加权信用风险值 B.仍受授信额度理论值限制,信用余额 C.可不受授信额度理论值限制,信用余额 D.仍受授信额度理论值限制,承债加权信用风险值 [单选题]特种设备在投入使用前或者投入使用后(),使用单位应当向直辖市或者设有区的市的特种设备安全监督管理部门登记。
A.30日内 B.30日后 C.60日内 [单项选择]()是分行个人信贷业务的审查机构,通过集体审议授信安排等事项,向有权审批人提供授信审查意见。
A. 个人信贷审查委员会 B. 个人贷款管理中心 C. 资产保全部 D. 风险监控部 [判断题](判断题).远志用甘草水煮减其燥性,协同增强安神益智的功效。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在门型构架的线路侧进行停电检修,如工作地点与所装接地线的距离小于(),工作地点虽在接地线外侧,也可不另装接地线。
A.10m B.12m C.14m D.16m [单项选择]井下水泵房通常选用()电机。
A. 开启式 B. 防护式 C. 封闭式 D. 独立密闭式 我来回答: 提交