如果此患儿出现呼吸困难,颈静脉怒张,吐粉红色泡沫痰,两肺满布湿啰音,错误的治疗是( ) Poverty exists because our society is
an unequal one ,and there are extremely strong and powerful political
pressures to keep it that way. Any attempt to redistribute wealth and
income in the United States will inevitably be opposed by powerful middle and
upper class interests. People can be relatively rich only if others are
relatively poor, and since power is concentrated in the hands of the rich,
public policies will continue to reflect their interests rather than those of
the poor. As Herbert Gans (1973) has pointed out, poverty is actually functional from the point of view of the non-poor. Poverty ensures that" dirty" work gets done. If there were, no poor people to scrub floors and empty waste, these jobs would have to be rewarded with high incomes before anyone would touch them. Poverty creates jobs for many of the no A. the wealthy find it hard to change it B. the great majority of the non-poor are totally not concerned about it C. the rich think they are powerless to do anything about it D. the poor lack such desirable qualities as honesty [判断题]审核组长:负责编制每次内审计划,选定审核员,组织并实施现场审核,编写每次内审报告,并组织审核员对纠正措施进行跟踪和验证。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]供电企业如能提供证明,居民用户家用电器的损坏是()、第三人责任、受害者自身的过错或产品质量事故等原因引起,并经县级以上电力管理部门核实无误,供电企业不承担赔偿责任。
A.A.醉酒 B.B.梦游 C.C.滥用麻醉药 D.D.过量服用精神药品 [单项选择]电梯、客运索道、大型游乐设施的运营使用单位应当将电梯、客运索道、大型游乐设施的( )置于易于为乘客注意的显著位置。
A. 安全注意事项 B. 警示标志 C. 游戏说明 D. 制造单位名称 [多项选择]某公司申请公开发行新股,国务院证券监督管理机构核准了其申请,公司发行了股票,但是未上市交易,国务院证券监督管理机构发现该公司的发行条件不符合法律规定,以下说法正确的是:
A. 国务院证券监督管理机构应当撤销发行核准决定 B. 该公司应按照发行价并加算银行同期存款利息返还股票持有人 C. 保荐人有过错的,应当与发行人承担连带责任 D. 发行人的控股股东、实际控制人有过错的,应当与发行人承担连带责任 [多项选择]物业服务企业对装饰装修申报登记的审批原则包括()。
A. 装饰装修企业应持有相应的建筑业企业资质证书 B. 不影响建筑物消防安全和相邻业主之间的正常使用 C. 不影响建筑物结构和外观的整体美观,未变更建筑物共用设施设备 D. 没有超出建筑物承重、供电等荷载 E. 没有违章搭建和拆除墙体、梁、柱、楼板 [判断题]自动人行道,倾斜角一般都超过15°。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交