Retirement Brings Most a Big Health
Boost The self-reported health of the newly retired improves so much that most feel eight years younger, a new European study suggests. This happy news was true of almost everyone except a small minority -- only 2 percent -- who had experienced "ideal" conditions in their working life, anyway. "The results really say three things: that work puts an extra burden on the health of older workers, that the effects of this extra burden are largely relieved by retirement and, finally, that both the extra burden and the relief are larger when working conditions are poor," said Hugo Westerlund, lead author of a study published online Nov. 9 in The Lancet (柳叶刀). "This [多选题]BJ02GG042267 绝缘油的氧化分为哪三个阶段。( )
A.开始阶段 B.质变阶段 C.发展阶段 D.迟滞阶段 [单选题]一个国家在某一时期(通常为一年)内所产生的所有最终产品和服务的价值总和称为( )。
A.GNP B.GDP C.NDP D.NNP [简答题]简述能力与知识、技能的关系。
[填空题]The Wonderful World of Small
There’s a quiet revolution going on, and its name is nanotechnology. A host of innovations are coming our way. Some seem almost magical, like the new material created in 2004 by Ray Baughman, a professor at the University of Texas. It’s stronger than steel, transparent, very, very light. A hectare-size sheet would weigh just 280 grams. When the professor announced that he hadn’t decided what to call it, he started to get emails from around the world suggesting names. Since it was so light and strong, people started calling it "mithril" — the name of a highly prized type of armor used in The Lord of Rings. There are other discoveries too — perhaps not so astounding, but practical and pleasant. Now there are socks that don’t get smelly, pants that resist stains, windows that repel dirt and toilets that clean themselves. All this results from exploring the world of the very, very small. Nano comes from the Greek word from dwa [单项选择]点的正面、侧面投影连线垂直于()。
A. X轴 B. Y轴 C. Z轴 D. 水平面 [单项选择]男性,60岁,因排尿费力,夜尿次数多就诊。医生询问病史后给患者行直肠指诊。该患者需测定残余尿,方法很多,其中哪一种对患者损伤最小、最简单并可反复测定()
A. 插导尿管 B. 经腹B超 C. 膀胱造影 D. 膀胱镜检查 E. 排泄性尿路造影 [多项选择]决定教育事业发展的直接和最终的因素是( )。
A. 政治经济制度的发展水平 B. 教育投资 C. 领导者的意志 D. 生产力的发展水平 E. 文化发展水平 [多项选择]下列属于道路运输行政复议涵义中所指的相对人的有( )。
A. 道路客货运输企业 B. 各级道路运输管理机构 C. 各级政府交通主管机关 D. 个体运输经营者 E. 道路运输相关业务经营业户 [判断题]根据铁总运〔2015〕301号文要求,巡检主要是确认设备的各个组成部分的技术状态,确保设备运行平稳正常。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]自动闭塞四显示区段,信号机间隔850 m左右。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]单位一员工有习惯性流产史,现怀孕7个月,申请产前假2.5个月,合理吗?现行上海女职工产前假有多久?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]旅客在乘车途中客票有效期终了,()可按有效使用至到站。
A. 加快票 B. 卧铺票 C. 定期票 D. 空调票 [单选题]参与赌博的,情节严重的,予以( )。
A.警告 B.记过或记大过 C.降级或撤职 D.开除 [单项选择]下列各项,不属半夏厚朴汤的主治证候的是()
A. 咽中如有物阻 B. 恶心呕吐 C. 胸膈满闷 D. 舌苔白润 E. 脉细数 [判断题]任何单位或者个人发现损坏或者非法占用铁路设施设备、铁路标志、铁路用地以及其他影响铁路安全的行为,有权报告铁路运输企业,或者向铁路监管部门、公安机关或者其他有关部门举报。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交