The Welsh language has always been the ultimate marker of Welsh identity, but a generation ago it looked as if Welsh would go the way of Manx, once widely spoken on the isle of Man but now extinct. Government financing and central planning, however, have helped reverse the decline of Welsh. Road signs and official public documents are written in both Welsh and English, and schoolchildren are required to learn both languages. Welsh is now one of the most successful of Europe’s regional languages, spoken by more than a half-million of the country’s three million people.
The revival of the language, particularly among young people, is part of a resurgence of national identity sweeping through this small, proud nation. Last month Wales marked the second anniversary of the opening of the National Assembly, the first parliament to be convened here since 1404. The idea behind devolution was to restore the balance within the union of nations making u
A. separatist
B. conventional
C. feudal
D. political
Paris,21st November 1783. There were hundreds of people in the street round an enormous (巨大的) balloon. "What is it" they asked. "What does it do"
Then two young men came out of a house on the other side of the street, and went to the balloon. They had some wood and paper with them, and they put it into a big basket under the balloon. Then they got into the basket. They took food with them, and some warm clothes, because it was a cold day.
Then the two young men made a fire with the wood and paper. The fire was hot, and the hot air went up into the balloon.
Cold air is heavy, but hot air is light and rises. After some minutes, the balloon was very light and left the ground!
The two young men flew about five and a half miles, and came down outside the city. It wasn’t a very long journey, but it was a very important one, because it was the first journey in the air.
Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier made
A. after some days
B. after two hours
C. after five minutes
D. on November 21st, 1783
The origin of man is an extremely
controversial issue. Scientists have a host of different theories pertaining to
man’s inhabitancy of earth. Many{{U}} (67) {{/U}}arise between
scientists who have different beliefs about how mankind arose. One such argument
is the conflict{{U}} (68) {{/U}}the theory of evolution versus the
theory of creation. After{{U}} (69) {{/U}}scientific researches in
various field, it is{{U}} (70) {{/U}}that the theory of evolution is
correct. Life arose by natural{{U}} (71) {{/U}}at an early stage of the
earth’s history and{{U}} (72) {{/U}}organisms developed from simpler
organisms by slow changes. In other words, new species arise from older species
after thousands of years of{{U}} (73) {{/U}}chemical, environmental, and
genetic change. Evolution can also be{{U}} (74) {{/U}}as the complex
processes by which A. bottoms B. shapes C. formations D. ages [判断题]在低压用电设备上工作,需高压线路、设备配合停电时,应填用相应的工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]118.紧急制动后,速度降为零(),熄火指令自动撤除;当语音提示“允许缓建”时,可按压缓解键撤出紧急制动指令。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] 与让路船相对应,根据《规则》的规定,直航船主要有()。 ①《规则》在第十二条中不同舷受风时的右舷受风的帆船或者同舷受风时处于下风的帆船; ②《规则》第十三条中的被追越船; ③《规则》第十五条中有他船在本船左舷的机动船; ④《规则》第十八条第1、2、3款中规定的操纵能力较差的被让路船。
A. ①②③④ B. ①②③ C. ②③④ D. ①② [多选题] 民警吴某近日因一系列违纪行为受到严肃处理。下列各行为不符合人民警察相关纪律要 求的有:
A.在一次私人饭局上,吴某对党的领导人和执政发表了道听途说得来的不当的看法 B.在一次任务中吴某认为上级的命令不够合理,在提出反对意见后,拒绝执行 C.在给群众答疑过程中,因群众态度过于急切,吴某语气逐渐不善,谩骂了群众几句 D.在一次例行巡逻过程中,吴某没有穿着警服,只穿了日常服装 [多选题]超声波在介质中传播时有多种波型,检验中最常用的为纵波、横波、平行波和板波。
A.正确 B.错误 C.a.表面波 D.b.垂直波 E.c.竖波 [判断题]办理银承业务收取的保证金必须实行专户封闭管理,专项用于支付对应到期的银行承兑汇票。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]货车运用的安全和技术装备,须满足货车运用装备现代化和信息化的要求,构成货车运用资源整合和信息共享的平台。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]客户经理可以通过客户信息视图-综合信息服务查询( ) 一级分行下金融资产详细情况。
A.直管 B.辅管客户 C.可指派客户 D.协管客户 [单选题]进入建筑物内部侦察时,应当对建筑结构强度进行评估,并充分利用地形、地物,靠近承重结构行动,行进时必须( ),探步前进,发现危险必须主动规避,并设置标识警示后续人员,防止坠落物伤人或指战员坠落伤害
A.前虚后实 B.前实后虚 C.慢慢向前 D.大胆迈步 [判断题]降低反应压力有利于提高反应速度和转化率,生焦率上升。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》规定,集便式厕所吸污时或未供电时锁闭厕所,其他时间不锁厕所。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]商业银行的资产为1000亿元,资产加权平均久期为3年;负债为900亿元,负债加权平均久期为2.5年。根据久期分析法,如果市场利率下降,则其流动性()。
A.不变 B.增强 C.无法判断 D.减弱 [单选题]软件工程的基本要素包括方法、工具和( )
A.软件系统 B.硬件系统 C.过程 D.人员 [单选题] "6、信号联锁系统故障时,采用( )行车,列车凭调路票行车,列车以RM模式运行。
A.电话闭塞法 B.进路行车法 C.区段进路行车法 D.正常行车法 " [判断题]恶劣天气、法定节假日及重大活动期间不得安排计划检修工作。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Jenny is not in the ______ for going to the party tonight.
A. temper B. condition C. mood D. health [单项选择]下列各项不具有止呕功效的是()
A. 半夏 B. 藿香 C. 佩兰 D. 豆蔻 E. 竹茹 [单选题]任务的一次性是项目的最主要特征,也可称为( )。
A.单件性 B.复杂性 C.明确性 D.整体性 [判断题]跨区域稽查局不建立案源信息库。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单梯的横档应嵌在支柱上,并在距梯顶()处设限高标志。
A.1m B.1.2m C.1.5m D.1.8m [判断题]同一电器元件的各部件分散地画在原理图中,必须按顺序标注文字符号( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]媚俗风格总是趣味主义的,甚至是趣味第一的。摒弃掉惯常评价标准的“好与坏”,不计高雅与低俗。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,30岁。酒后室内煤炉取暖入睡后火焰烧伤3小时,烧伤总面积80%体表总面积,其中深Ⅱ度30%体表总面积,Ⅲ度50%体表总面积,伤后无尿,心率148次/分,伤后头8小时输液4500ml(其中胶体1800ml)后仍无尿。还应选择下列哪项措施以利诊断及治疗()。
A. 肝肾功能的有关检查 B. 血气分析 C. 补充询问患者伤前及伤时病史 D. 氧合血红蛋白测定 E. 催吐或洗胃 [单选题]在变频调速中的变频器( )。
A.只具有调压的功能 B.只具有调频的功能 C.都具有调压和调流的功能 D.都具有调压和调频的功能 [单选题]使用多旋翼飞行器作业
A.不受环境影响 B.应在人员密集区,如公园、广场等 C.在规定空域使用,且起飞前提醒周边人群远离 [多选题]进入地下井、坑、孔、( )等处工作前,应事先了解清楚这些地段的工作环境,做好通风措施。
A.A.管沟 B.B.排水沟 C.C.电缆隧道 D.D.洞 [单项选择]下列关于气雾剂的叙述中,错误的是
A. 气雾剂喷出物均为气态 B. 气雾剂具有速效和定位作用 C. 吸入气雾剂的吸收速度快,但肺部的吸收干扰因素多 D. 减少局部给药机械刺激 E. 稳定性好 我来回答: 提交