Our generation has made such immense
discoveries and achieved undreamed enrichments of the outside of life, that it
has lost touch with the inside of life. It has forgotten the true riches and
beauties of its spiritual inheritance: riches and beauties that go far beyond
our modern chatter about values and ideals. The mind’s search for more breadth
has obscured the heart’s craving for more depth. Once again man has become the
dupe of his own cleverness. And because it is difficult to attend to more than a
few things at a time, we leave out a great range of experiences which comes in
by another route and tells us of another kind of life. Our interest rushes out
to the farthest limits of the universe, but we seldom take a sounding of the
ocean beneath our restless keels. We get, therefore, a queer feeling that we are
leaving somethin A. to persuade people of more diversified activities B. to point out the shortcoming of man’s cleverness C. to encourage people to pay more attention to the spirit D. to criticize those who lack for nothing but knowledge [判断题]工作压力 P≥1MPa 的固定式锅炉的受压元件及管道属于锅炉压力容器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]客车车辆设备故障现场应急处置和运行条件的确认由客列检负责,无客列检时由( )负责。
A.列车长 B.车辆乘务员 C.机车乘务员 D.站务员 [单选题]党章规定,发展党员,必须经过( ),坚持个别吸收的原则。
A.党的支部 B.党的书记 C.党的培训 D.党的组织 [单选题]高架桥上作业时,作业人员不得( )。
A.少于2人,其中1人为防护员 B.行走人行道 C.携带工具 D.携带材料 [单项选择]最简单的交换排序方法是( )。
A. 快速排序 B. 选择排序 C. 堆排序 D. 冒泡排序 [单选题] 头期胃液分泌( )
A.包括条件反射和非条件反射性 B.是体液性的 C.分泌量最少 D.酸度不高 E.胃蛋白酶含量也不高 [简答题]修世间定能出离苦海吗?
A. 背压 B. 凝气 C. 抽汽凝汽 D. 以上都不对 [单项选择]胃癌主要起源于()
A. 主细胞 B. 壁细胞 C. 间质内干细胞 D. 腺颈部和小凹底部的组织干细胞 E. 贲门腺上皮 [填空题]CAD提供的两种绘图空间为()空间和()空间。
A.会 B.可能 C.不会 D.有车占用时会 [多选题]按照《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》的规定,机房内的( )应符合有关标准、规范的要求。
A.照明 B.温度 C.湿度 D.防静电设施 E.消防系统 [填空题]利息的计算分为()和复利两大类
A.10~15岁 B.15~20岁 C.20~25岁 D.25~30岁 E.30~45岁 [单选题]制作农夫冷汤的原料有( )。
A.胡萝卜 B.红菜头 C.橄榄油 D.沙拉油 我来回答: 提交