Housing is recognized as a "socially
determinant variable". In France, housing is the main item of expenditure in the
family budget (accounting for an average of 29 percent), and many families would
be unable to find decent housing without some help from the State. For a long
time, the main problem was the housing shortage but in recent years the
deterioration of housing conditions has been giving even greater cause for
concern. Despite extensive construction programs, the problem of housing for the most underprivileged population groups has not been solved. According to a recent report, between 2 and 3 million families had serious difficulties meeting their housing costs and were living in precarious and uncomfortable conditions. Policies designed to address the housing problem have shifted over the past few d A. an improvement in housing quality B. an alarming increase of homeless people C. an increase in house purchases D. a change in the government’s policy [单选题]冷却塔风机振动原因之一是( )。
A.转动轴缺油 B.转动轴弯曲 C.叶片角度太大 D.叶片角度太小 [单项选择]科学研究证明,非饱和脂肪酸含量高和饱和脂肪酸含量低的食物有利于预防心脏病。鱼通过食用浮游生物中的绿色植物使体内含有丰富的非饱和脂肪酸“奥米加—3”。而牛和其他反刍动物通过食用青草同样获得丰富的非饱和脂肪酸“奥米加—3”。因此,多食用牛肉和多食用鱼对于预防心脏病都是有效的。 以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱题干的论证
A. 在单位数量的牛肉和鱼肉中,前者非饱和脂肪酸“奥米加—3”的含量要少于后者。 B. 欧洲疯牛病的风波在全球范围内大大减少了牛肉的消费者,增加了鱼肉的消费者。 C. 牛和其他反刍动物在反刍消化的过程中,把大量的非饱和脂肪酸转化为饱和脂肪酸。 D. 实验证明,鱼肉中含有的非饱和脂肪酸“奥米加—3”比牛肉中含有的非饱和脂肪酸更易被人吸收。 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Privacy Worry May Keep HIV Patients From Therapy
Patients infected with HIV are often concerned about the confidentiality of their HIV-positive status.In fact,some patients are so worried that they will actually give up treatment to prevent the release of this information,according to a report published in the August issue of AIDS Care. Dr. Kathryn Whetten-Goldstein and colleagues from Duke University,Durham,North Carolina,studied the confidentiality issues of 15 HIV-infected patients from rural North Carolina locations.They were divided into groups designed to explore their attitudes toward,and experiences with,breaches in confidentiality. "The fear of a breach in confidentiality is' definitely affecting the care that HIV-infected patients receive,"Whetten-Goldstein said."Most studied patients had experienced or knew someone who had experienced a breach in confidentiality." "Two types of breaches occurred,"Whetten-Goldstein noted."The first was a more obvious type of breach.One example was a nurse who told her child that her patient was HIV-positive out of concern that her child would play with the patient's child." "The other type of breach was more subtle,one that providers might not consider breaches,"Whetten- Goldstein explained."This type of breach involves providers talking about a patient's HIV status without the patient's knowledge of the interaction." "The law allows the sharing of information between providers within the same institution,but patient's consent must be obtained before providers at different institutions can share information,"she pointed out. "Patients in the study wanted providers to tell them when they are going to share information with other providers and why it is being done,"Whetten-Goldstein said."They also felt that providers should be punished when a breach occurs." "However,because patients are often reluctant to seek legal action which may further expose their status,they felt that the system should regulate itself,"she added. Medical workers of an institution cannot freely provide their HIV-patients'information to those of other institutions. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [单选题]挖掘施工区域应设围栏及安全标志牌,夜间应挂警示灯,围栏离坑边不得小于( )。
A.0.8 B.0.5 C.1 D.1.5 [单选题]60kg/m及以上钢轨在允许速度大于120km/h的正线上,基本轨垂直磨耗超过()mm,应及时修理或更换。
A.6 B.8 C.10 D.11 [单选题]INR即( )。
A.国际敏感指数 B.国际标准化比值 C.国际血液学标准化委员会 D.国际血检与止血委员会 E.国际输血协会 [单项选择]与肝细胞癌的发生无关的为
A. HCV感染 B. HBV感染 C. 华支睾吸虫感染 D. 黄曲霉毒素 [简答题]何谓震颤?不同部位和时期的震颤各有何临床意义?
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]田某因犯放火罪被判处死刑缓期两年执行,并附加剥夺政治权利终身。在缓期两年期间,田某因过失造成他人重伤。则下列对其处理正确的是( )。
A. 应报最高人民法院核准对田某死刑立即执行 B. 田某两年期满,减为无期徒刑 C. 田某构成过失致人重伤罪 D. 应直接对田某执行死刑 [单选题]急性阑尾炎时,判断阑尾尖端指向盆腔的体征是
A.结肠充气试验阳性 B.右下腹麦氏点固定压痛 C.闭孔内肌试验阳性 D.腹肌紧张度增加 E.腰大肌试验阳性 [多选题]铁路线路的纵断面,由--、--、--组成。
A.直线 B.平道 C.坡道 D.竖曲线 [单选题]( )是指易燃或可燃液体表面产生闪燃的最低温度。
A.燃点 B.爆点 C.闪点 [多项选择]下列各项中,可选择按小规模纳税人纳税的有()。
A. 年应税销售额70万元的生产销售货物的个体工商户 B. 不经常发生应税行为的企业 C. 年应税销售额60万元的汽车修理厂 D. 非企业性单位 E. 年应税销售额100万元的超市 [填空题]应用支路电流法对电路进行求解时,对于具有n个结点和b条支路的电路,可以列出独立的结点方程,其余的()个方程可由网孔列出。
[判断题]电缆的屏蔽层应作屏蔽接地,屏蔽接地可与工作接地共用接地干线与接地极。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]列车发生脱轨、颠覆而侵占邻线时,自闭区段应立即对邻线()。
A. 短接轨道电路 B. 点燃火炬 C. 放置响墩 [单项选择]虚脱的治法为( )
A. 醒脑开窍回阳救逆 B. 回阳固脱苏厥救逆 C. 滋补肝肾益气养血 D. 开窍醒神苏厥救逆 [单项选择]“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛”这一判断是()
A. 联言判断 B. 假言判断 C. 相容选言判断 D. 不相容选言判断 [单选题]下面哪项不符合2型糖尿病的发病特点:
A.起病年龄多大于40岁 B.多超重或肥胖 C.起病时“三多一少”症状不典型 D.酮症倾向大,易发生酮症酸中毒 [判断题]高速铁路硬横梁吊柱底座螺栓,螺栓必须是双螺帽,螺杆穿向要由下向上,拧紧螺帽后螺栓外露长度不得大于30mm,力矩要紧固到位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]本月初,国际货币基金组织发布了世界经济展望报告。报告中称,
A.加强结构 B.强劲格局 C.放缓局面 D.迅猛趋势 [单选题]进入危险化学品泄漏事故现场或有传染疾病危险的区域时,重危区作业人员根据需要必须着特级或一级防化服,轻危区作业人员应当着______。易燃易爆区域还应当着防静电服,防静电内衣、袜子和手套。
A.A:一级或二级防化服 B.B:一级防化服 C.C:二级防化服 D.D:简易防化服 [不定项选择]以下关于建设项目管理模式,说法正确的是()。
A. 常见的管理模式有7种,分别是传统管理模式、建造管理模式、管理承包模式、设计采购建造模式、设计+管理模式、自设管理机构平行发包模式、委托代理式管理模式 B. 传统管理模式的技术基础是快速路径法,耗时较长 C. 建造管理模式的技术基础是快速路径法 D. 采用设计采购建造模式签订的合同通常应为总价包干合同 E. 在委托代理式管理模式中,项目管理公司与业主的关系是委托代理关系 [单选题]用户经补偿后的功率因数应保持在0.8-0.9之间。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]骨与关节结核与化脓性关节炎的鉴别是()
A. 化脓性关节炎好发于小关节 B. 关节穿刺液细菌学检查可鉴别 C. 化脓性关节炎多高热而骨结核多低热 D. 化脓性关节炎多为多发 E. 化脓性关节炎常为对称性 [单项选择]营养性巨幼红细胞贫血的特殊性表现是
A. 面色苍白 B. 肝、脾淋巴结大 C. 舌炎 D. 异食癖 E. 智力、动作倒退 [单选题]人生观与世界观的关系是( )。
A.人生观决定世界观 B.世界观决定人生观 C.具有唯心主义世界观,人生观一定是不正确的 D.具有唯物主义世界观,人生观一定是正确的 [判断题]车站设备区范围内施工,为A类施工
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]装载货物超出( ),无挂运命令的车辆禁止编入列车。
[多选题] 使用电台指挥调车作业时,必须( )。
A.正确及时 B.信号准确 C.用语标准 D.吐字清晰 [多选题]内燃机车机油系统的作用有( )
A.润滑 B.冷却 C.清洗 D.防锈 [判断题]B级爆破工程,可不设立爆破指挥部。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]486微机的字长是
A. 8位 B. 16位 C. 32位 D. 64位 我来回答: 提交