Within 30 years, humans could be
debating whether to take charge of their own evolution. The average life span in the developed world will be 90, diseases will be diagnosed before symptoms appear, many humans will already be genetically modified and patients with heart diseases, cancer or dangerous infections will be treated with prescriptions tailored to their own genetic makeup, according to Francis Collins, one of the leaders of the project to sequence the entire human genome. By 2010, Collins told in a major international biotechnology forum in France this week, there could be predictive tests for at least 12 hereditary conditions, and scientists would understand the role that genes played in most common diseases. Embryoes developed by in vitro fertilization methods would be routinely scanned for genetic illnesses A. a biologist B. researcher of the project to sequence the entire human genome C. leading a team of researchers D. a physicist [单选题]以下案件中,确定当事人正确的是:( )
A.a.甲雇乙为自己的果园挖渠灌溉,乙不慎将邻近 的丙家菜地的蓄水池挖开,丙以甲和乙为共同被告诉 至法院 B.b.乙报社刊登甲投稿的照片1幅,丙以照片侵犯 自己肖像权为由,以乙报社为被告,诉至法院 C.c.甲公司因乙国企欠款久拖不还而诉至法院,二 审期间,乙企业未经清算即被上级主管部门撤销,法院 将该上级主管部门列为共同被告 D.d. 丁未同自己所在的甲公司解除聘用合同即接 受乙公司的聘请,甲公司起诉丁,法院追加乙公司为共 同被告 [多选题]建设世界一流企业,本质是让企业全面变强,即实现高质量发展。总体要以深化改革为主线,推进 ( ) 、( ) 、( ) 、 ( ) 、 ( ) 。
A. 机制强企 B.战略强企 C.创新强企 D. 产业强企 E.开放强企 F.人才强企 [单项选择]在WindowsXP默认状态下,鼠标指针呈四箭头时,一般表示()。
A. 系统忙 B. 精确定位 C. 对象可移动 D. 正常选择 [判断题]在个别区间,直通车次上行可以是单数,下行可以是双数。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]推进运行前端领车人员呼叫的“十、五、三辆”信号,其他人员可以转呼。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交