Long-married couples often schedule a
weekly "date night"—a regular evening out with friends or at a favorite
restaurant to strengthen their marital bond. But brain and behavior researchers say many couples are going about date night all wrong. Simply spending quality time together is probably not enough to prevent a relationship from getting stale. Using laboratory studies, real-world experiments and even brain-scan data, scientists can now offer longmarried couples a simple prescription for rekindling the romantic love that brought them together in the first place. The solution Reinventing date night. Rather than visiting the same familiar haunts and dining with the same old friends, couples need to tailor their date nights around new and different activities that they both enjoy, says A A. It provides a way for long-married couples to improve their relationship. B. It helps to explain why some couple’s passion for each other can last long. C. It is the result of many means of scientific experiments. D. It reveals that some couples are doing wrong when they date. [单选题](1分)【单选题】患者男,35岁。大面积烧伤6小时入院,首要治疗措施是
A.处理创面 B.镇静止痛 C.扩充血容量 D.控制感染 E.补充营养,增强免疫 [单选题]( )对于满足卷烟消费者需求有着重要意义。
A.重点品类 B.潜力品类 C.常规品类 D.一般品类 [单项选择]People who feel miserable with computers are those ______.
A. who love reading books and writing with a pen or a typewriter B. who possess the wrong aptitudes of disliking and fearing new things C. who have not been trained to use computers D. who are born with a temperament that does not respond to computers [单选题]一男性病人,43岁,剧烈腹泻水样便伴呕吐1天。无腹痛,无里急后重。查体,疲倦面容,皮肤、唇舌干燥,眼窝内陷。血压80/60mmHg。应首先进行如下何种检查来进行初步诊断。()
A.便常规; B.尿常规; C.取粪便标本立即进行直接悬滴检查 D.取耳血立即进行直接悬滴检查 E.碱性蛋白胨水接种 [单选题]患者,男性,65岁,患慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)20余年,1周前受凉后出现体热,咳嗽,咳黄色粘痰,并自觉呼吸费力。2天来自觉呼吸困难加重,逐渐出现意识障碍。入院体检发现患者口唇发绀,桶状胸,呼吸困难明显。血气分析显示:pH为7.36,PaO2 55mmHg, PaCO2 65mmHg。初步诊断为COPD急性发作,Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭。为抢救该患者,目前基本而关键的一项措施是 ( )2-
A.保持气道通畅 B.持续低流量吸氧 C.静脉补液 D.抗感染治疗 [单选题]线路设备修理实行( )制度,铁路局集团公司应安排足够数量的天窗,以满足线路设质量的需求。
A.天窗修 B.点外修 C.按实际情况制定 我来回答: 提交