After a 300 million yuan renovation
project, Lidai Diwang Miao, or the Imperial Temple of Emperors of Successive
Dynasties, was reopened to the public last weekend. Originally constructed about 470 years ago, during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, the temple was used by emperors of both the Ming and Qing to offer sacrifices to their ancestors. It underwent two periods of renovation in the Qing Dynasty, during the reigns of emperors Yongzheng and Qianlong. From 1929 until early 2000, it was part of Beijing No.159 Middle School. The temple’s Jingdechongsheng Hall contains stone tablets memorializing 188 Chinese emperors. The Jinzhuan bricks used to pave the floor, the same as those used in the Forbidden City, are finely textured and golden-yellow in color. According to Xi Wei, an official from the Xicheng Dis A. Reform. B. Rearrange. C. Retreat. D. Restore. [单项选择]下面关于发动机EEC备用交流发电机的说法不正确的是()
A. EEC备用交流发电机是给EEC供电的主电源 B. EEC备用交流发电机安装在附件齿轮箱上 C. 发动机N2转速大约在15%EEC备用交流发电机才给EEC供电 D. 若EEC备用交流发电机失效,则EEC转到备用方式工作 [单选题]建筑物施工高度超过( )米时,施工单位应当随施工进度落实消防水源。
A.23 B.20 C.24 D.36 [单选题] PICC的日常维护要点,不当的是:( )
A.冲管频率:每次静脉输液前后.化疗前后.输血或血制品.抽血后.输注TPN等高黏滞性药物后必须立即冲管 B.治疗间歇期给予妥善封管保护无需经常冲管,以免感染。 C.封管以脉冲方式注入不含防腐剂的生理盐水或10 U/ml的肝素封管液,并采用正压封管技术。 D.更换肝素帽:常规每周一次,PICC管内抽血后.任何原因旋下肝素帽后,必须立即更换,先预冲肝素帽,严格消毒接头后连接新的肝素帽。 [名词解释]正氮平衡
[单选题]时间的一维性是指它的( )
A.无限性 B.有限性 C.物质性 D.不可逆性 [单项选择]下述______不是对象—关系数据库的基本特征。
A. SQL环境中支持基本数据类型扩充 B. SQL环境中支持复杂对象 C. SQL环境中支持继承性 D. 关系的规范化程度高 [单选题]( )在只经断路器(开关)断开电源或只经换流器闭锁隔离电源的设备上工作。
A.A.允许 B.B.禁止 C.C.可以 D.D.不宜 [判断题]TRT进出口煤气管道可以只安装蝶阀来切断煤气。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Text
Sleep ,as we know, is important to us because it helps restore tired organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. (26) we know that there are many people who get (27) perfectly with less sleep, and some who may even need (28) . A great deal depend on the (29) we live. But a good general rule to (30) is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work (31) our best when we awaken. There are actually different (32) of sleep. There is a deep sleep and a shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest it gets in a deep sleep, so that after eight hours of a (33) sleep we may still feel tired. But a short, deep sleep can be very (34) . Alexander the Great was able to get a deep slee A. active B. aware C. asleep D. awake [单选题] 为加强团青工作,公司党委提出要强化党建带团建,推进( )建设。
A. “青年员工培养工程” B. “青马工程” C. “青年员工关爱工程” D. “优秀年轻干部ATP培训工程” [单项选择]道教的根本信仰和最高目标是()。
A. 转世重生 B. 修仙得道 C. 天人合一 D. 无为而治 [多项选择]我国银行业的监督管理目标是 ( )。
A. 促进银行业的合法、稳健运行 B. 保证国家货币政策的正确制定和执行 C. 维护公众对银行业的信心 D. 建立和完善中央银行宏观调控体系 E. 规范商业银行的行为 [多项选择]关于肩周炎的治疗,可以采用的措施有()。
A. 临床观察 B. 物理治疗 C. 三角巾悬吊固定 D. 关节镜松解术 [单项选择]While in a drunken ______ he became abusive and violent and had to be restrained by hotel staff.
A. stole B. stutter C. sty D. stupor [单选题]灭菌法是指
A.就是消毒法 B.应用化学方法灭菌 C.应用物理方法彻底杀灭微生物 D.应用紫外线灭菌 [单选题]1853年,太平军定都南京后,改南京为( )。
A.建邺 B.秣陵 C.天京 D.建康 [单选题]161、指示仪表转动力矩的反作用力矩一般由()产生。
A.张丝 B.游丝 C.外机械力 D.磁力矩 [多选题]‒年一部以美食为主题的纪录片《舌尖上的中国》力压各种电视连续剧,高居话题榜前几位,2014年这部纪录片的第二季又开播了。非黄金档播出的一部纪录片,缘何迅速风靡全国?外国人认为这部是一部爱国主义宣传片,国内网友纷纷表示,看这个纪录片,让自己回味起妈妈的味道、儿时的味道、故乡的味道。下列符合爱国主义基本要求的是
A.爱祖国就是要爱祖国的大好河山 B.爱祖国就是要爱祖国的灿烂文化 C.爱祖国就是要爱自己的骨肉同胞 D.爱祖国就是要爱自己的家庭传统 [多选题]询价采购中正确的做法包括.()
A.提交响应文件截止之日前,采购人.采购代理机构或者询价小组可以对已发出的询价通知书进行必要的澄清或者修改,澄清或者修改的内容作为询价通知书的组成部分 B.截止时间到达时送交响应文件供应商不足三家的,询价小组可以接受截止时间后送达的响应文件 C.供应商在响应文件中只能一次报出不得更改的价格 D.在询价过程中,询价小组不得改变询价通知书所确定的政府采购合同条款 E.询价小组可以在询价通知书中规定,采用综合评分法确定供应商是否“质量和服务相等” 我来回答: 提交