The examples placed before a nation are
vital. What we constantly observe, we tend to copy. What we reward, we
perpetuate. This is why John Glenn himself is almost as important as his flight
into outer space, for he dramatized before the eyes of the whole nation the
noblest qualities of the human spirit. Outside of the morality-play of our cowboy movies, where the hero always gets the girl and the villain always gets slugged behind the saloons, courage, modesty, quiet patriotism, love of family and religious faith are not exactly the predominant themes of our novels, plays, TV shows, movies or newspapers these days. Yet Glenn dramatized them all coast to coast and around the world. This was no insensitive robot who landed here from the heavens yesterday morning, but a warm and thoughtful human being: natural, orderly, consider A. may stamp out juvenile delinquency overnight B. will be renewed by television every day C. are much more powerful today than in the nineteenth century D. are almost as important as its military power [单选题]国家综合性消防救援队伍各级单位组织动员、纪念等活动,可以组织宣誓宣誓的要求、程序和誓词内容,由支队以上单位根据( )等确定
A.任务、环境、人员 B.时间、环境、人员 C.地点、环境、人员 D.任务、环境、时间 [多项选择]证券经纪商有义务为客户保守秘密,具体内容包括( )。
A. 客户开户基本情况 B. 客户委托的基本情况 C. 客户证券账户的库存情况 D. 客户资金账户的余额 [简答题]( )不属于TYJL—II型计算机联锁的子系统。
A. 22.5 B. 32.5 C. 42.5 D. 52.5 [单项选择]She was talking about her ______ as a nurse in a hospital, which we had never heard of.
A. expenses B. excuses C. experiences D. expressions [多选题]( A )或含气的一、二级井控风险井带压作业,除按压力级别选用安全防喷器外,还要配备( B )或气体处理、排放燃烧装置。安全防喷器须用( D )液压远程控制台控制。
A.高温汽井 B.压力平衡管汇 C.冷却降温装置 D.单独 [单项选择]The sentence "School and Einstein did not mix well." really means ______.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]规模经济和规模不经济解释了()
A. 固定成本和变动成本不同 B. 为什么企业的短期边际成本曲线穿过短期平均变动成本曲线的最低点 C. 为什么企业的长期平均成本曲线为U型 D. 利润最大化的生产水平 [单项选择]下列药物中,哪一味是收敛止血药()
A. 仙鹤草 B. 三七 C. 小蓟 D. 地榆 E. 白茅根 [单选题]水汽图的色调取决于物体()
A.对太阳光的反照率的大小 B.表面温度的高低 C.水汽含量 [单选题]依据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》(国务院令第393号),建设单位应当向___提供施工现场及毗邻区域内供水、排水、供电、供气、供热、通信、广播电视等地下管线资料,并保证资料的真实、准确、完整。(1.0分)
A.勘查单位 B.设计单位 C.监理单位 D.施工单位 [单选题]在美国,有40个州通过了《死亡权利法案》的时间是
A.1957年 B.1967年 C.1987年 D.1947年 E.1977年 我来回答: 提交