Robert Menzies was conservative Prime
Minister of Australia from 1939 to 1941 and again from 1949 until his retirement
in 1966. Menzies provoked a variety of responses during his political career.
Views Ⅰ to Ⅳ below summarize some of those responses. View Ⅰ The supreme twentieth-century statesman and politician, presiding with ease over the nation, and representing Australia abroad with dignity and aplomb. View Ⅱ Authoritarian despite his professed liberal beliefs, he was the enemy of the workers, who stayed in office for seventeen years through a combination of unscrupulous opportunism, remarkable good luck, and the gullibility of the Australian people. View Ⅲ Menzies imposed the values of a bygone age on Australia, with his devotion to Britain and the British monarchy, and his cautious conservatism. He suppressed a new, creative, energetic ge A. dignified and remote B. scheming and ruthless C. rigid and old-fashioned D. forceful and influential [填空题]艾芜的第一部小说集(),写云南边境和缅甸时的所见所闻,具有浓厚的地方色彩和生活气息,与作者的散文集《漂泊杂记》一起,开拓了现代文学的题材范围。
[判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》规定:旅客站台应为高站台,应设置安全标线和停车位置标,两端应设置防护栅栏,并悬挂禁行标志。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一因车祸受重伤的男子被送去医院急救,因没带押金,医生拒绝为病人办理住院手续,当病人家属拿来钱时,已错过了抢救最佳时机,病人死亡。本案例违背了病人权利的哪一点()
A. 享有自主权 B. 享有知情同意权 C. 享有保密和隐私权 D. 享有基本的医疗权 E. 享有参与治疗权 [单选题]AntiseptiC.SwaB.意为: ( )
A.创口贴 B.碘酒 C.消毒剂 D.水净化药片 [单选题]《烟草专卖法》规定( )中小学生吸烟。
A.劝阻 B.禁止 C.限制 D.规劝 [单项选择]中华人民共和国的政权组织形式是()。
A. 社会主义制度 B. 人民代表大会制度 C. 选举制度 D. 民主集中制 [单项选择]根据消费税法律制度的规定,对部分应税消费品实行从量定额和从价定宰相结合的复合计税办法。下列各项中,属于实行复合计税办法的消费品有( )。
A. 酒精 B. 烟丝 C. 卷烟 D. 高档手表 [判断题]柴油发动机排气管排黑烟,起动困难,可能是气缸压力过低所致。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]验电时,以下做法正确的是()。
A.应使用相应电压等级且合格的接触式验电器 B.在装设接地线或合接地刀闸(装置)处对其中一相验电 C.验电前,应先在有电设备上进行试验,确认验电器良好 D.无法在有电设备上进行试验时,可用工频高压发生器等确认验电器良好 [多选题]苏木与自然铜均能用于治疗
A.胸痹心痛 B.跌打损伤 C.骨折筋断 D.血瘀疼痛 [单选题]本质安全型设备的标志是()。
A.d B.e C.p D.i 我来回答: 提交