In 1998 consumers could purchase
virtually anything over the Internet. Books, compact discs, and even stocks were
available from World Wide Web sites that seemed to spring up almost daily. A few
years earlier, some people had predicted that consumers accustomed to shopping
in stores would be reluctant to buy things that they could not see or touch in
person. For a growing number of time-starved consumers, however, shopping from
their home computer was proving to be a convenient alternative to driving to the
store. A research estimated that in 1998 U.S. consumers would purchase $ 7.3 billion of goods over the Internet, double the 1997 total. Finding a bargain was getting easier, owing to the rise of online auctions and Web sites that did comparison shopping on the Internet for the best deal. For all the consumer interest, ret A. Consumers are reluctant to buy things on the Internet. B. Consumers are too busy to buy things on the Internet. C. More and more consumers prefer Internet shopping. D. Internet retailing is a profitable business. [多项选择]关于子宫肉瘤的治疗,以下正确的说法是()
A. 治疗原则以手术为主 B. Ⅰ期行全子宫切除术加双附件切除术 C. 不同组织类型子宫肉瘤对放疗均敏感 D. 常用化疗是顺铂、放线菌素D、环磷酰胺药物联合应用 E. 低度恶性子宫内膜间质肉瘤孕激素治疗有一定效果 [单项选择]
男性17岁。着凉感冒后胸闷气短,恶心呕吐,心悸,乏力,低热。查体:T:38.1℃,心率快,BP80/60mmHg,心音低钝,心肌酶升高。心电图:ST抬高,低电压。 该患者可能的诊断是()A. 急性心包炎 B. 败血症 C. 急性重症心肌炎 D. 急性风湿性心脏炎 E. 急性克山病 [单选题]职业道德对企业起到( )的作用。
A.决定经济效益 B.促进决策科学化 C.增强竞争力 D.滋生员工守业意识 [简答题]钢坯酸洗时为什么要搅动溶液?
[多选题]飞机上有可能发生火灾的材料:( )。
A.可燃金属材料 B.可燃非金属材料 C.燃油 D.旅客的行李和货物 [单项选择]西班牙阿尔罕布拉宫中()园最能体现伊斯兰庭院特色。
A. 里亚德 B. 桃金娘 C. 狮子 D. 罗汉松 我来回答: 提交