Science is an enterprise concerned with
gaining information about causality, or the relationship between cause and
effect. A simple example of a cause is the movement of a paddle as it strikes a
ping-pong ball; the effect is the movement of the ball through the air. In
psychology and other sciences, the word "cause" is often replaced by the term
"independent variable". This term implies that the experimenter is often "free"
to vary the independent variable as he or she desires (for example, the
experimenter can control the speed of the paddle as it strikes the ball). The
term "dependent variable" replaces the word "effect", and this term is used
because the effect depends on some characteristic of the independent variable
(the flight of the ball depends on the speed of the paddle). The conventions of
science demand that both the in A. one’s behavior can be predicted by knowing his or her birthday B. nobody can choose his or her date of birth as he or she wishes C. an individual’s performance is irrelevant to his or her birthday D. a person’s level of performance varies according to the test date [判断题]导线烧伤断股的截面达到16%时,可采用同规格的单股线在烧伤处缠绕,缠绕的长度为烧伤段的两倍。
A.排查 B.整改 C.治理 D.消除 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》行包中规定:货仓有 “( )”安全标志,地面有隔水板。
A.闲人免进 B.旅客止步 C.严禁烟火 D.禁止吸烟 [单选题]麻绳、纤维绳用作吊绳时,其许用应力不准大于0.98kN/cm2。用作绑扎绳时,许用应
A.30% B.40% C.50% D.60% [判断题]《空调列车服务质量规范》规定,列车站停期间,载客车厢连接端门不锁闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]检测换填垫层法垫层密度的方法是()。
A. 颗粒分析 B. 渗透试验 C. 液限试验 D. 环刀法 [判断题]夕}、商投资企业享受特定减免税优惠进口的机器设备自进口之日起超过5年的,可以向海关申请解除监管。( )
A. 原始试样的采集 B. 样品的抽取 C. 样品的制备和保存 D. 样品的称量 [简答题]什么是中压配电网?有何功能特点?
[单选题]预防中暑的关键在于( ),使作业场所的气象条件符合国家规定的卫生标准。在高温车间内合理布置热源,避免工人周围受到热源作用。
A.解决人员劳动保护用品 B.改善高温作业环境 C.远离热源 [单选题]APU燃油供给来自:
A.左燃油供油管道 B.右燃油供油管道 C.中央油箱燃油供油管道 D.燃油较多的油箱供油管道 [多选题]以下关于大逆风时的起落航线,说法正确的有( )
A.第三转弯时机应适当提前 B.第四转弯后,下滑点应适当后移 C.开始拉平的时机应比正常时稍晚 D.着陆后,要尽快刹车 [单项选择]高凝油常规自喷井在关井测压力恢复曲线前一周左右,应向油套环形空间注入一定量的(),以便下井仪器正常提下。
A. 柴油或稀油 B. 汽油或稀油 C. 蒸汽 D. 煤油或机油 [单选题]除港澳地区的旅客外,中国海关对入境旅客的免税标准( )
A.卷烟400支或烟丝500克、酒2瓶 B.卷烟200支或烟丝250克、酒1瓶 C.卷烟400支或烟丝250克、酒1瓶 D.卷烟400支或烟丝500克、酒2瓶 [多选题]采用成品管新建市政管道工程常用的不开槽施工方法有( )。
A.顶管法 B.夯管法 C.裂管法 D.沉管法 E.盾构法 [单选题]拉线杆塔拉线的对地水平夹角允许偏差应为( )。(GB 50233—2014《110kV~750kV架空输电线路施工及验收规范》7.5.4)
A.±5° B.±1° C.±10° D.±15° [单选题]党员领导干部应当向党组织如实报告个人( ),自觉接受监督。
A.主要事项 B.重要事项 C.必要事项 D.有关事项 [单选题].护套线线路特点是电路容量大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交