The current emergency in Mexico City
that has taken over our lives is nothing. I could ever have imagined for me or
my children. We are living in an environmental crisis, an air-pollution
emergency of unprecedented severity. What it really means is that just to
breathe here is to play a dangerous game with your health. As patents, what terrorizes us most are reports that children are at higher risk because they breathe more times per minute. What more can we do to protect them and ourselves Our pediatrician’s (儿科医师的) medical recommendation was simple: abandon the city permanently. We are foreigners and we are among the small minority that can afford to leave. We arc here because of my husband’s work. We are fascinated by Mexico--its history and rich culture. We know that for us, this is a temporary danger. However, we cannot stand for much longer the fea A. describe the harmful air pollution B. explain the way to prevent air pollution C. show the worries about the air pollution D. recommend a method to avoid air pollution [判断题]客室侧门开启宽度为1300mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]长期地或者临时地生产、搬运、使用或者储存危险物品,且危险物品的数量等于或者超过临界量的单元(包括场所和设施)被指为是()。
A.重大危险源 B.危险源 C.特大危险源 [单项选择]原发性支气管肺癌最多见的是( )
A. 小细胞肺癌 B. 鳞状上皮细胞癌 C. 腺癌 D. 大细胞癌 E. 细支气管肺泡癌 [多项选择]下列属于个人申请保荐代表人资格的条件有( )。
A. 未负有数额较大到期未清偿的债务 B. 3年以上会计业务经历 C. 参加中国证监会认可的保荐代表人胜任能力考试且成绩合格有效 D. 最近3年未受到中国证监会的行政处罚 [单选题]道路旅客运输经营者在不影响安全的前提下,允许根据实际需要自行( )。
A.增加或减少轮胎数量 B.增加客车座位或者卧铺铺位 C.增加车内装饰 [不定项选择题]男性,30岁,右侧甲状腺单发结节,质硬,生长迅速,近1周伴声音嘶哑,ECT示右甲状腺冷结节。
A.颈部X线摄片 B.甲状腺CT C.甲状腺B超 D.确切的体检 E.穿刺细胞学检查 [判断题]解放思想是邓小平理论的精髓。
A.50ml B.150ml C.100ml D.10ml [单选题]如果损害事实本身即足以说明被告存在疏忽, 原告即可免负举证责任。 这一原则称为 ( )。 (难度系数: 1.00)
A. 雷兰与弗莱彻法则 B. 邻舍原则 C. 事实自证法则 D. 严格责任原则 [单选题] 全波整流电路对电源的利用率高,输出的直流()。
A.极不稳定 B.比较稳定 C.特别稳定 D.不稳定 [单项选择]Sichuan University has not only (a variety of) departments (but) a large (student body) (consisting in) many people from different countries all over the world.
A. a variety of B. but C. student body D. consisting in [单选题]配位滴定终点所呈现的颜色是( )。
A.游离金属指示剂的颜色 B. EDTA与待侧金属离子形成配合物的颜色 C.金属指示剂与待测金属离子形成配合物的颜色 D.上述A与C的混合色 [判断题]客户申请信用卡销户后,45天内可以办理销户撤销,继续恢复用卡。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下是机车、车辆的基本阻力的为( )。112T476
A. 坡道阻力 B.空气阻力 C.曲线阻力 [单选题]某施工现场钢筋加工有两个方案,采用甲方案需固定费用5万元,每吨钢筋加工的可变费用是300元;采用乙方案需固定费用9万元,每吨钢筋加工的可变费用是250元。则仅从经济上考虑时,选用甲方案的适用范围是钢筋总加工量在( )。
A.A:800吨以下 B.B:800—1000吨之间 C.C:1000—1200吨之间 D.D:1200吨以上 我来回答: 提交