The Smog (烟雾){{/B}} For over a month, Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country suffered its worst drought for 50 years. Smoke from the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog. This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars, it soon became poisonous (有毒的). Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed (喘息) and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately. The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whol [单选题]法人单位的法定代表人或者非法人单位的主要负责人是单位的(),对单位的消防安全工作全面负责。
A.消防安全责任人 B.消防安全管理人 C.消防安全检查人 D.专、兼职消防管理人员 [填空题]What’s in a surname You may ask. A new website project has been released, that helps you (1) . Have you ever wondered why your ancestors gathered where they did, or where others with your surname live now A research project (2) in Britain answers these questions. And another study has found the surnames are (3) .
"Smith", for example, remains the most common surname in Britain. Used by (4) people, it has exactly the same concentration it always did in Lerwick, in the Scottish Shetland Islands. "Jones" is (5) , and is the most common among hill farmers (6) . The data used for this project comes partly (7) . A number of other files are held by Expairing, which is probably Britain’s (8) . There’ re some of us who are fairly predictable. "Campbell", for example, as you might expect, is somewhat concentrated (9) , and it appears really bizarre to be found anywhe [单项选择]下列有关审计重要性的表述中,错误的有( )
A. 在考虑一项错报是否重要时,既要考虑错报的金额,又要考虑错报的性质 B. 如果一项错报单独或连同其他错报可能影响财务报表使用者依据财务报表做出的经济决策,则该项错报是重要的 C. 如果已识别但尚未更正的错报汇总数接近但不超过重要性水平,注册会计师无须要求管理层调整 D. 重要性的确定离不开职业判断 [多项选择]公务员的工资、福利、保险,对公务员具有()基本功能。
A. 保障 B. 激励 C. 约束 D. 调节 [单选题]治疗三叉神经痛时首选:( )
A.卡马西平 B.大剂量维生素 C.手术治疗 D.封闭治疗 [单项选择]下列黄酮类化合物,结构母核为3-苯基色原酮的是
A. 黄酮醇 B. 二氢黄酮 C. 异黄酮 D. 查耳酮 E. 黄烷醇 我来回答: 提交