{{B}}Why Men
Explode{{/B}} Although women get angry just as often as men, rage remains the prototypical male emotion. "My kids still talk about my ’freak-outs, ’" says Kim Garretson, 54, a corporate strategist in Minneapolis, who once erupted into volcanic fury; in a restaurant when served a still-frozen entree. "I didn’t express much of anything, but once in a while, I’d just blow." Why do so many men lose their tempers "The rage comes because there’s so much frustration when you cut off something that is you. Yet that’s what men do, because they’re afraid that if you give emotions an inch, they’ll take a mile," says psychologist Kenneth W. Christian, PhD, author of Your Own Worst Enemy. "If you don’t learn how to work with your emotions, you’re a shadow figure, a small incomplete versio A. (A) diagnosed with lung cancer B. (B) given a fake musical instrument C. (C) dragged into a mountainous trip D. (D) served cold food in a restaurant [单选题]疏散用楼梯和疏散通道上的阶梯当必须采用螺旋楼梯和扇形踏步时,踏步上下两级所形成的平面角度不应大于()度。
A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10 [单选题]新建时速300~350km客运专线有砟桥面梁的徐变上拱度值不宜大于( )mm。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.30 [单选题]在受电弓阀板中起到卸压防过充的阀是 。
A.安全阀 B.升弓单向节流阀 C.降弓单向节流阀 D.ADD阀 [单选题]【单选题】对于动静脉置管溶栓治疗的患者,导管护理有哪些?
A.留管期间每班检查与导管相连的三通开关或肝素帽是否连接紧密,每周更换肝素帽或三 通接头。 B.拔管后穿刺点局部压迫止血,消毒覆盖无菌敷料后加压包扎并穿刺侧肢体制动 6~8 小 时,卧床 12 小时 C.置管溶栓期间避免术侧肢体屈曲,必要时可进行肢体约束 D.导管外露部分如需连接延长管,行一字型固定和二次固定。 [单选题]CIR电源特性规定要求,电源单元输出电压范围是( )V。
A. 12.5~13 B.12.5~14 C. 11.8~14 D.11.8~15 [多选题]油品的粘度增大,其( )。
A.比重增大 B.平均沸点小 C.特性因数K值变大 D.分子量变大 [单项选择]管道标高一般为管(),标注在管段的始端或末端。
A. 底边标高 B. 中心标高 C. 顶部标高 D. 相对标高 [单选题]党的( )是党的根本性建设,决定党的建设方向和效果。
A.思想建设 B.政治建设 C.组织建设 D.制度建设 [单项选择]妊娠合并糖尿病患者难产率升高的原因,不包括()
A. 羊水过多 B. 巨大儿 C. 宫缩乏力 D. 产程延长 E. 胎儿窘迫 我来回答: 提交