Adam Smith was the founder of economics as a
distinct field of study. He wrote only one book on the subject — The Wealth of
Nations, published in 1776. Smith was 53 years old at the time. His friend David
Hume found the book such hard going that he doubted many people would read it.
But Hume was wrong — people have been reading it for more than 200 years
now. The Wealth of Nations, in Smith’s view, was the result not of accumulating gold or silver, as many of that time believed, but of ordinary people working and trading in free markets. To Smith, the remarkable thing about the wealth produced by a market economy is that it does not result from any organized plan, rather, it is the unintended outcome of the actions of many people, each of whom is pursuing the incentives the market offers with his or her own interests in mind. A. Adam Smith was an economist. B. Adam Smith wrote some books on economics. C. David Hume was the co-author of the Wealth of Nations. D. the Wealth of nations was published in 1976. [名词解释]土地费用
[单项选择]在决策支持系统的实现中,一般是将图形和表格存放在( )。
A. 数据库 B. 模型库 C. 方法库 D. 知识库 [单项选择]最能耐受下列哪种营养物的缺乏:()
A. 蛋白质 B. 糖类 C. 脂类 D. 碘类 [单选题]红外测温仪采用电源为 9V 碱性电池或镍镉电池时,连续使用时间可达为()h。( )
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.60 [单选题]新修订的《安全生产法》规定,矿山、金
和使用。负有安全生产( )的部门
A.审核职责 B.管理职责 C.监督管理职责 D.监督职责 [单选题](2014年)根据支付结算法律制度的规定 , 对于见票即付的商业汇票 , 提示付款期限是 ( ) 。
A.出票日起10日内 B.出票日起1个月内 C.到期日起10日内 D.到期日起2年内 [判断题]停电时,不能直接在地面操作的断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)应加锁。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]链条式人力制动机,根据人力制动轴的构造不同可分为( )两种。
A. 固定轴式和脚踏式手制动机 B. FSW 型和折叠轴式 C. NSW 型和折叠轴式 D. 固定轴式和折叠轴式 [判断题]拱顶的砌筑应从两边同时向拱顶中的进行。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]已经获得的知识、动作技能、情感和态度等对新的学习的影响称为学习的()。
A. 迁移 B. 动机 C. 策略 D. 技巧 [单选题]根据营区建筑特性、防雷等级、雷区周期性规律、雷击危害,按照技术规范要求,选择配备避雷针、架空避雷线、避雷网、避雷带、电涌保护器等避雷设备,确定安全距离和()。
A. 安全位置 B.安全道路 C.安建筑 D. 安全技术 [单选题]支设高度在( )以上的柱模板,四周应设斜撑,并应设立操作平台。
A.2m B.2.5m C.3m D.3.5m [判断题]矽肺是一种进行性疾病,患病后即使调离矽尘作业环境,病情仍会继续发展。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我国社会主义法律体系是由不同国家机关制定的规范性文件组成的。其中由全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会行使国家立法权,制定的一般性规范性文件是
A.宪法 B.法律 C.行政法规 D.地方性法规 我来回答: 提交