People who are extremely careful and
"finish what they start" may have a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s
disease, according to a study involving Catholic nuns and priests. The most conscientious and self-disciplined individuals were found to be 89% less likely to develop this form of dementia—deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain—than their peers over the course of the 12-year study. Robert Wilson at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, US, and colleagues followed 997 healthy Catholic nuns, priests and Christian brothers between 1994 and 2006. Early on in the study, participants completed a personality test to determine how conscientious they were. Based on answers to 12 questions A. Through a 12-year observation. B. On a neurological examination. C. By a cognitive test. D. By asking a group of questions. [单选题]00218乙醇消毒剂杀菌力最强的浓度是( )
A. 100% B. 95% C. 75% D. 50% [判断题]证券经营机构采用包销方式,若承销团不能全部售出证券,则承销商在承销期结束时自行购入售后剩余的证券。( )
A. 新闻发面会 B. 企业广告 C. 企业新闻报道 D. 产品展览会 [单项选择]对疑有类癌的病人,下列哪项检查有助于确定肿瘤性质( )。
A. CEA B. CAl99 C. 5-HIAA D. AFPS E. PSA [判断题]运输危险性废物除驾驶员、安全押运员各1人外,还可以搭乘其他人员1人。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在电气设备上工作,保证安全的技术措施有停电、( )。
A.办理工作票 B.验电 C.接地 D.悬挂标示牌和装设遮栏(围栏) [判断题]变压器一、二次电流之比与一、二次绕组的匝数比成正比。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是熟料溶出二次反应和二次反应损失?
A.减少波度影响 B.减少加工表面不均匀的影响 C.测量方便 D.容易测得正确结果 [单项选择] Part A Passage 1