There is no question but that Newton
was a highly competent Minister of the Mint. It was mainly through his
efforts (41) the English currency was put on (42)
satisfactory basis at a difficult time. (43)
discovered a relationship between prices and (44)
amount of money in circulation, which (45) later
formalized in the so-called "quality (46) "of money: if the
amount of (47) in circulation is doubled--other things
(48) the same--then prices also will (49)
double. This is a simple application (50) the
principle that it is impossible (51) . get something for
nothing, but apparently (52) took someone like Newton to
discover it. There A. It B. He C. Was D. We [填空题]城郊线电客车调节客室车门V形的偏心轮螺栓的扭力为( )N.m。
A.0.5 B.1.5 C.3 D.1 [单选题]公路工程造价的计价模式有工程量清单计价模式和( )。
A.定额计价模式 B.直接计价模式 C.间接计价模式 D.其他 [判断题]因为氯气具有漂白作用,所以干燥的氯水也具有漂白作用。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 新生儿破伤风最早出现的症状是(0分)
A.张口及吸吮困难 B.角弓反张 C.牙关紧闭 D.全身痉挛 E.呼吸衰竭 [单项选择]Color-blind people often find it difficult to ______ between blue and green.
A. separate B. compare C. contrast D. distinguish [单选题]弗洛伊德学说在咨询⼼理学历史上属于()。
A.⾏为学派 B.认知学派 C.动⼒学派 D.⼈本主义学派 [判断题]使用梯子前,应先进行试登,确认可靠后方可使用。有人员在梯子上工作时,梯子应有人扶持和监护。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交