Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. |
September 15, 2002
Dear Ms. Cao,
I am pleased to inform you that you are file successful applicant for the post of clerk in the Li Seng Office of our company, starting on Monday, 17 September. This offer is subject to receiving good references concerning your previous employment. I should be grateful, therefore, if you could kindly send me as soon as possible the names and addresses of three people who have known you for at least one year. One of the referees should be your present employer.
The position is also subject to probationary (见习的)period of six months. At the end of this time, we have the right to terminate (解除)your contract after giving you one week’ s notice. If you perform satisfactorily during this initial period, however, your post will become permanent with annual increments (增额)in salary. You will also be eligible for promotion to Senior Clerk after five years.
We shall also require you to undergo a period of training
Many people want to become famous, but don’t know
how.Here I’d like to tell about how to become known or get closer to
people. There are certain qualities that you have to remember while {{U}} (26) {{/U}} people, be it a friend, a neighbor or anybody {{U}} (27) {{/U}} you.The first thing is to remember their names and birthdays and never {{U}} (28) {{/U}} them if you want to get closer to them, because this is {{U}} (29) {{/U}} you start getting closer to people.You will have to reduce {{U}} (30) {{/U}} about yourself and start listening a lot.One of the important {{U}} (31) {{/U}} which can be used to get closer to people is to listen to them.{{U}} (32) {{/U}} in today’s manag A. discovered B. estimated C. imagined D. recognized [多选题]严格执行()等不相容岗位分离制度,不相容岗位不得混岗。
A.电费收费 B.账务处理 C.电费核算 D.账务审核 [单选题]网压的正常范围是( )。
A.1100-1750 B.1000-1700 C.1100-1800 D.1000-1800 [单项选择]视黄醇的生理功能是()
A. 止血作用 B. 维持正常视觉与皮肤细胞生长分化 C. 控制骨骼的发育 D. 抑制免疫功能,防止机体过敏 [多项选择]纳税人办理复业登记时,税务机关应该返还的资料包括()
A. 税务登记证正本 B. 税务登记证副本 C. 《发票领用簿》 D. 未使用完的发票 E. 《停业复业(提前复业)报告书》 [单项选择]当今社会全方位的传播媒体,时时刻刻都在 (145) 着名人。也许你先前崇拜的歌星喜欢黑色,而这位刚刚 (146) 你着迷的影星却喜欢白色。你添制不久的黑色衣物,刚穿出风彩,而白色T恤又惹得你心中发痒……等你一身雪白走向街头,大街上又 (147) 起大红大紫……,在你忙忙碌碌地变来变 (148) 中,早已忘了自己最初的喜爱。所以,与其追求流行, (149) 做你自己,跟着感觉走。任何时候,寻找适合自己的东西,合适的东西才是最好的。
A. 不如 B. 或者 C. 还是 D. 只能 [单选题]中国人民银行出台银行账户管理规定,要求由ATM机转账将延时24小时到账。此举旨在( )。
A.避免居民的投资风险 B.维护居民的消费安全 C.维护居民的资金安全 D.优化居民的储蓄结构 [判断题]A-B-A-002 1 1 4
竖曲线不得侵入无砟桥梁上。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 炸药及导爆索发放间暂存药量不超过( )kg
A. 30 B. 50 C. 100 [简答题]【问题4】
简述WWW的工作过程。 [多选题]利用V形停电作业时,检修吸上线时不得( )。如必须进行断开回路的作业,则须在断开前使用不小于25mm2铜质短接线先行( )后,方可进行作业。
A.开路 B.短路 C.短接 D.接地 [多选题]常见的液体绝缘材料有( )。
A.断路器油 B.变压器油 C.电容器油 D.电缆油 [单选题]下列可作病因性预防的药物是
A.氯喹 B.青蒿素 C.甲氟喹 D.乙胺嘧啶 E.伯氨喹 [多选题]国家对不动产实行统一登记制度,下列( )应当申请不动产登记。
A.地下建筑物 B.矿产资源 C.人工填海 D.耕地 E.荒地 我来回答: 提交