W: Hi, Jim. I haven’t seen you for a few weeks.
M: Oh, hi, Mary. I have been studying a lot for my final exam.
W: Well, this semester is about over now.
M: Yeah. My brother is coming for a visit this summer, and we’d like to see some of the country, but traveling is so expensive.
W: Have you thought about camping
M: Camping I’ve never done that.
W: I think you’ll really like it. You can rent the equipment you need.
M: Is it cheap
W: Yeah, much cheaper than buying or staying at the hotel.
M: Good idea. Here is my bus. I’ll talk to you about this again and get all the details.
When you have an idea of the kind of
car you might be buying, take the time to look up road tests. These appear in
consumer magazines and in magazines for automobile enthusiasts, and both types
are usually available in your library if you’re not a subscriber. The consumer
magazines generally pay more attention to practical things like roominess, gas
mileage, and repair records; the enthusiasts’ magazines pay more attention to
things like performance and style. You should remember that the enthusiasts’
magazines depend on the auto industry for the advertising that keeps them in
business and some (not all) will manage to find something nice to say about all
cars. So read about several road tests of the car you are thinking of
getting. You may want to skip this step because your mind is already made up--maybe you always buy a certain make of car A. gas mileage B. repair records C. efficiency D. roominess [单选题]下列哪项是产生溶血反应的主要原因
A.输入低渗液体 B.ABO血型不合 C.血液中有血小板抗体 D.血液被细菌严重污染 E.输血引起严重过敏反应所致 [填空题]造成月经先期的病因病机是()
[多选题]注册会计师在确定计划的重要性水平时,需要考虑的因素有( )。【多选】
A.对被审计单位及其环境的了解 B.审计的目标 C.财务报表各项目的性质及其相互关系 D.被审计单位的预期 [单项选择]在一般示波仪上都设有扫描微调钮,该钮是用来调节()的。
A. 扫描幅度 B. 扫描强度 C. 扫描频率 D. 扫描频率和幅度 [多选题]贷审委成员(不含主任,下同)由法人机构班子成员,( )等部门负责人,农商银行主任(行长),熟悉信贷业务、国际业务、法律等相关知识的信贷专管员、员工等组成。
A.风险管理 B.个人业务 C.公司业务 D.合规风险 E.资产管理 F.财务会计 [单选题]某化学物质,动物实验最大无作用剂量(MNL)为5mg/kg,安全系数设定为100,该化学物质的ADI是( )。
A.5(mg/kg)×1/100=0.05(mg/kg) B.5(mg/kg)×100=500(mg/kg) C.5(mg/kg)×1/100×60(kg)=3(mg) D.5(mg/kg)×1/100×60(kg)×80%=2.4(mg) E.5(mg/kg)×10×60(kg)=30(mg) [单项选择]女性,20岁,自幼发现有心脏杂音,超声心动图曾诊断为"先天性心脏病,动脉导管未闭",但未做手术治疗。近2年来患者出现活动后气急、心悸,活动受限,步行登梯仅能上3层楼。体格检查:一般情况可,口唇无青紫,血压14/9kPa,心率98次/分,律齐,可闻及早搏1~2次/分,胸骨左缘第2肋间闻及连续性杂音2级,肺动脉瓣区第二音亢进,未扪及震颤。患者未闭导管的位置最常见的是位于()
A. 升主动脉与肺总动脉之间 B. 降主动脉与肺总动脉之间 C. 升主动脉与左肺动脉之间 D. 降主动脉与左肺动脉之间 E. 升主动脉与右肺动脉之间 我来回答: 提交