It has often been said by people
involved in language teaching that a student who really wants to learn will
succeed in whatever the circumstances are under which he studies. It is
certainly true that students do learn in unfavorable conditions and it is also
true that students often succeed in using methods that experts have considered
unsatisfactory. All teachers can think of some students who are significantly
better than their peers and it seems reasonable to suggest that the motivation
of the student is perhaps the sin A. Experts and authorities concerned B. Linguists and language teachers C. Psychologists and analysts D. Assessors and predictors [判断题]在一类用电负荷中,当中断供电将发生中毒、爆炸和火灾等情况的负荷,以及特别重要场所的不允许中断供电的负荷,称为特别重要的负荷。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]属于起重吊装施工方案内容的有( )。
A.施工作业区域的环境状况 B.施工作业的对象 C.施工机械的选型 D.施工平面布置图 E.构件堆放布置图 [多选题]()为重载货物列车。
A.70001 B.71001 C.72001 D.73001 [单项选择]击出性骨折时最常见的疝入上颌窦的结构是()
A. 骨性眶底 B. 眶脂肪 C. 眶骨膜 D. 眼球 E. 下直肌及下斜肌 [单选题]有关普萘洛尔的叙述,不具有的是
A.无选择性阻断β受体 B.膜稳定作用 C.内在拟交感活性 D.抑制肾素释放 E.易透过血脑屏障 [单项选择]船舶航行中发生火灾,根据火灾发生的位置操纵船舶,着火源在船首,应()。
A. 迎风行驶 B. 顺风行驶,且风速略低于航速 C. 顺风行驶,且风速略高于航速 D. 附近有适于抛锚的水域,应抛锚灭火 [单选题]调车作业要准确掌握速度,在空线上推进运行时,不准超过( )km/h。
A.30 B.40 C.45 [单项选择]对软式内镜进行清洗错误的是()
A. 及时清洗 B. 刷洗所有的管道 C. 手工刷洗、加酶清洗、超声清洗、机器消毒前需手工先清洗 D. 可使用非流动水对软式内镜进行清洗 E. 清洗纱布应当一次性使用 [单选题]隔离传染病患者或疑似传染病患者产生的生活垃圾属于()医疗废物
A.感染性 B.病理性 C.损伤性 D.化学性 我来回答: 提交