{{B}}Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}} |
工人 | 检查结果 | 检测点 | 不合格率(%) |
A | 不合格 | 6 | 60 |
合 格 | 4 | ||
B | 不合格 | A. 42 B. 30 C. 50 D. 20 [单项选择]You must be responsible for all the losses () from your delay in opening the covering L/C.
A. arising B. rising C. arousing D. have arisen [单项选择]男性,35岁。右腰部撞击伤后剧烈疼痛,伴全程血尿2小时入院。查体:T38℃,P110次/分,R28次/分,BP80/60mmHg。神志清楚,面色苍白,痛苦表情,被迫体位。双肺呼吸音清晰。心界不大,律齐,未闻及血管杂音。右上腹压痛及右腰部叩击痛明显。右下腹诊断性穿刺阴性。根据患者病史、体征,首先应考虑的损伤器官是()
A. 肝脏 B. 脾脏 C. 肾脏 D. 十二指肠 E. 输尿管 F. 胰腺 [判断题]群众安全生产监督员必须经验丰富,现场实际工作二年以上,初中以上文化程度,掌握相关安全生产知识。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What()would happen if the director knew you felt that way
A. do you suppose B. you suppose C. will you suppose D. you Would suppose [多项选择]下列行为侵犯了我国妇女的婚姻家庭权利的有()。
A. 干涉遗产继承 B. 雇佣歧视 C. 绑架妇女 D. 强迫妇女生育E.干涉妇女的离婚自由 [填空题]直流电机必须通过电枢绕组与()相互作用才能实现能量转换。
[多选题]根据《承德银行固定资产贷款管理办法》,固定资产投资包括( )。
A.基本建设投资 B. 技术改造投资 C. 房地产开发投 D. 支付货款 E. 其他投资 [单选题]工务段的管辖范围:正线线路延展长度不宜超过( )km,特殊情况下由铁路局集团公司规定。
A.700 B.800 C.1000 D.1200 E.1400 F.1600 [单项选择]Menorca or Majorca It is that time of the year again. The brochures are piling up in travel agents while newspapers and magazines bulge with advice about where to go. But the traditional packaged holiday, a British innovation that provided many timid natives with their first experience of warm sand, is not what it was. Indeed, the industry is anxiously awaiting a High Court ruling to find out exactly what it now is.
Two things have changed the way Britons research and book their holidays: low-cost airlines and the internet. Instead of buying a ready made package consisting of a flight, hotel, car hire and assorted entertainment from a tour operator’s brochure, it is now easy to put together a trip using an online travel agent like Expedia or Travelocity, which last July bought Lastminute. com for £577m ($1 billion), or from the proliferating websites of airlines, hotels and car-rental firms. This has led some to sound the death knell for high street travel agents and tour ope A. demand B. hostility C. sale D. prejudice [单选题]地震灾害的灾害特点不包括?( )
A. 发生缓慢,破坏力强,人员伤亡重。 B. 易引发次生灾害。 C. 受灾范围广,社会秩序混乱。 D. 基础设施损坏严重,救援特别困难。 [单选题]在计件制航班上,滑雪器具如果作为超件付费,按标准费率的( )收取逾重行李运费。
A.1倍 B.2倍 C.33% D.50% [单项选择]患者女性,28岁。孕6月余,今日晨起突发畏寒、发热,体温39℃,伴疲乏无力、恶心呕吐、下腹部不适,排尿时有烧灼感,门诊查血常规示白细胞计数和中性粒细胞计数均增高,尿常规见白细胞管型。查体有肾区叩击痛(+)。该患者可能的诊断为()。
A. 慢性肾炎 B. 下尿路感染 C. 急性肾盂肾炎 D. 急性肾小球肾炎 E. 肾病综合征 [单项选择]在井下工作,当发现有火灾或瓦斯爆炸及煤尘爆炸现象时,必须立即(),撤离现场。
A. 手捂住口鼻 B. 以上都不对 C. 衣服捂住口鼻 D. 佩用自救器 [判断题]营养素被人体摄入后在体内消化吸收需要消耗能量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设备维护商进行设备维护维修时,需更换或拆卸的硬盘,由( ) 负责保管或进行数据销毁等。
A.支行科技与产品管理部门 B.支行运营管理部门 C.营业网点 D.支行安全保卫部门 [多选题]物质生产方式集中体现了人类社会的物质性,是社会历史发展的决定力量。理由在于()
A.物质生产活动及生产方式是人类社会存在和发展的基础和前提 B. 物质生产活动及生产方式决定着社会的性质和面貌 C.物质生产活动及生产方式决定整个社会历史的变化发展 D. 社会的经济结构、政治结构和观念结构归根到底是由物质生产活动及生产方式决定的 [单选题]《国务院关于建立统一的城乡居民基本养老保险制度的意见》(国发〔2014〕8号)规定,财政部门、( )按各自职责,对基金的收支、管理和投资运营情况实施监督
A.人社部门 B.纪检监察部门 C.审计部门 D.公安部门 [多项选择]属于价格法上狭义的价格的有:()。
A. 商品价格 B. 劳动力价格 C. 服务价格 D. 外汇价格 [多选题]能力评核,根据___,来评核个人在此期间内的表现,作为绩效评核的辅助。
A.人格特质 B.工作态度 C.管理风格 D.工作内容 E.其他非直接与绩效相关因素 [单项选择]发生生理性心悸常见于()。
A. 激动 B. 贫血 C. 高热 D. 甲状腺功能亢进症 E. 心力衰竭 [判断题]危险品储存中应严控温、湿度并定期巡察,品质变化、破损、渗漏时应及时处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]贺某,男,45岁。平素嗜酒10余年,每日饮酒8两,近半月来腹大坚满,脉络怒张,胁腹刺痛,面色暗黑,面颈胸臂有多个血痣,呈丝纹状,手掌赤痕,口渴不欲饮,舌质紫红,脉细涩。此鼓胀证属于()
A. 气滞湿阻型 B. 寒湿困脾型 C. 湿热蕴结型 D. 肝脾血瘀型 E. 肝肾阴虚型 [填空题]VCC 到 VOBC 的通信电路是( )。
[单项选择]Travelers arriving at Heathrow airport this year have been met by the smell of freshly-cut grass, pumped from a discreet comer via an "aroma box", a machine which blows warm, scented air into the environment①. It can scent the area of an average high street shop with the smell of the chocolate, freshly-cut grass, or sea breezes, in fact any synthetic odors that can be made to smell like the real thing.
Heathrow’s move into "sensory" marketing is the latest in a long line of attempts by businesses to use sensory psychology—the scientific study of the effects of the senses on our behavior to help sell products. Marketing people call this "atmosphere" using sounds or smells to manipulate consumer behavior. On Valentine’s Day two years ago the chain of chemist’s Super dog scented one of its London shops with chocolate. The smell of chocolate is supposed to have the effect of reducing concentration and making customers relax. "Chocolate is associated with love", said a ma A. Smell is the most emotional of the senses. B. Smell stimulates our memory more than the other senses. C. Smell is considered to be mysterious, as it is untouchable. D. Smell is the sense most difficult to identify. [多选题]下列有关安全防范的说法中,正确的是()。
A.登高射水时,不得快速加压,固定的绳索和水带要留用一定备用长度。 B.进入室内灭火时要使用直流水枪冲击地面,测试强度或探看坑洼部位。 C.登上倾斜船体时,要紧紧抓住护栏或用绳索固定在栏杆等牢固部位。不得向船舶上层建筑过量射水,防止集装箱等重物滑泄引发船体倾覆。 D.救援人员高空救助时,可根据作业环境,铺设救生气垫、设置安全网,提升安全防范效果。 我来回答: 提交