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You!{{/B}} What are special effects Do you enjoy movies that use a lot of special effects Dinosaurs (恐龙) from the distant past! Space battles from the distant future! There has been a revolution in special effects, and it has transformed the movies we see. The revolution began in the mid-1970s with George Lucas’s Star Wars, a film that stunned (使震惊) audiences. That revolution continues to the present with dramatic changes in special effects technology. The company behind these changes is Lucas’s Industrial Light & Magic (ILM). And the man behind the company is Dennis Muren, who has worked with Lucas since Star Wars. Muren’s interest in Special effects began very early. At the age of 6, he was photographing toy dinosaurs [单选题]已知30/32路PCM基群每一路的抽样频率为fs=8000Hz,每一个样值编码为8位,一帧共32个时隙,求此基群的数码率fb和1复帧传输时间分别为( )。
A.2.048Mbit/s,2ms B.2.048Mbit/s,1ms C.1.024Mbit/s,1ms D.1.024Mbit/s,2ms [多项选择]香港特别行政区的行政长官的负责对象包括()。
A. 中央人民政府 B. 香港特别行政区 C. 香港特别行政区立法会 D. 人民法院 E. 人民检察院 [单选题]管母焊口对接要求:管中两侧各(____)mm范围应打磨清洗干净,不得有氧化膜、水分、油污。
A.50 B.60 C.70 D.80 [简答题]下列情况下计算有效群体的大小(Ne):
60个雄性成体和40个雌性成体; [单选题]变电站防误装置解锁工具应封存管理并固定存放,( )不准随意解除闭锁装置。
A.运维人员 B.检修人员 C.任何人 [多选题] 根据《国家电网公司供电服务规范》, “95598”客户服务热线服务规范中,接听电话时, 应做到( )。
A.语言亲切、语气诚恳 B.语音清晰 C.语速适中、语调平和 D.语调上扬 [判断题]评估工作以金融机构自评估为基础,金融机构应当按年度进行自评估,并于次年1月31日前向中国人民银行及其分支机构报送自评估报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Social psychologists arc used to hearing that their experiments are a waste of time because they just prove the obvious, and tell us what we always knew. But there is a very simple and effective riposte to this accusation. The trouble with folk-wisdom (what we always knew) is that it tends to come in pairs of statements, both of which are obviously’ true, but which—unfortunately—are mutually exclusive. For example, birds of a feather flock together, but what about the attraction of opposites Experiments may not be as much fun as intuitions, but they sometimes tell us which proverbs are actually true, or (moor often) in what circumstances which apply.
There is one other preconception to be removed before tackling the question of whom we like and love, whom we find attractive and make friends with: "Why bother to study an area in which we are all expert practitioners" Well, ff you believe that, have a word with a marriage guidance counselor, a psychiatrist, or someone involved in in A. people believe they already know what the results will be B. the results often disprove popular beliefs C. they are not much fun D. they tend to produce contradictory results [多项选择]核定物业服务定价成本,应当以经会计师事务所审计的年度()或者物业服务企业提供的真实、完整、有效的成本资料为基础。
A. 财务会计报告 B. 账册 C. 原始账册 D. 原始凭证 E. 凭证 [单选题]已知环比增长速度分别为14.46%、8.85%、13.89%、5.1%,则最末期的定基增长速度为( )
A.14.46%*8.85%*13.89%*5.1% B.114.46%*108.85%*113.89%*105.1% C.14.46%*8.85%*13.89%*5.1%-100% D.114.46%*108.85%*113.89%*105.1%-100% [单选题]反映体内储备铁的指标是
A.血清铁 B.血清铁蛋白 C.总铁结合力 D.血红蛋白 E.转铁蛋白 [填空题]技能根据其本身的性质和特点可以分为__________技能和__________技能。
A. 工程估算 B. 工程概算 C. 工程预算 D. 工程决算 [判断题]在低压公共区域(计量箱等)仅涉及个别设备、箱体内进线总开关停电的工作,应先断开负荷侧开关,再断开电源侧总开关。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在( )情况下不能对不合格品采取让步或放行。
A. 有关的授权人员批准 B. 法律不允许 C. 顾客批准 D. 企业批准 [单选题]依据《处方标准》判定,以下淡黄色处方笺的处方是
A.急诊处方 B.儿科处方 C.医保处方 D.医用毒性药品处方 E.第二类精神药品处方 [多选题]人民警察核心价值观是被全体民警共同认可、普遍遵循、自觉践行的主导价值观念和价
值追求。其中,为民是人民警察核心价值观的根本出发点和落脚点。下列内容体现人民警察“为 民”价值观的有: A.克己奉公 B.执法为民 C.执政为民 D.全心全意为人民服务 [多选题]泵主要用来输送流体或混合流体的机械设备,根据泵的工作原理和结构形式可分为()。
A.电动泵 B.柴油机泵 C.容积式泵 D.叶轮式泵 E.汽轮机泵 [单项选择]信用社会计科目可分为( )。
A. 表内科目和表外科目 B. 资产负债共同科目 C. 负债科目 D. 资产负债科目 [单项选择]对应收账款计提坏账准备,遵循的会计原则是()。
A. 历史成本原则 B. 收付实现制原则 C. 谨慎性原则 D. 配比原则 我来回答: 提交