When we think of Hollywood, a term I
use loosely to describe American movie production in general, not simply films
made in Los Angeles. we think of films aimed at amusing audiences and making
money for producers. During the early years of the new century, as workers won their demands for higher wages and a shorter working week, leisure assumed an increasingly important role in, everyday life. Amusement parks, professional baseball games, {{U}}{{B}}nickelodeons{{/B}}{{/U}}, and dance halls attracted a wide array of men and women anxious to spend their hard-earned dollars in the pursuit of fun and relaxation. Yet of all these new cultural endeavors, films were the most important and widely attended source of amusement. For mere five or ten cents, even the poorest worker could afford to take himself and his family to the local A. many of the social and political problems were reflected on the screen of the films B. films often dealt with the most important problems of the day C. films quickly became a very popular form of entertainment D. because of the large attendance, films had a great influence on a large number of people. [多选题]属于药动学参数的有:( )。
A.一级动力学 B.半衰期 C.表观分布容积 D.二室模型 [判断题]抄表员在抄表时客户提出改变电价类别抄表员应立即在现场核实帮助办理变更手续。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]危险性较大分部分项工程清单中的模板工程及支撑体系之“承重支撑体系",所指的是()。
A.各类支撑体系 B.钢结构安装 C.用于钢结构安装等满堂支撑体系 D.钢结构 [单项选择]增值税:是指以商品流通和劳动服务在各个流转环节的增值额为征税对象的一种税。它是以商品销售额和应税劳务营业额为计税依据、运用税收抵扣原则征收的一种流动税。它具有以下特征:①征收对象是法定的增值额;②税负公平合理,具有中性税属性。
根据上述定义,下列情况中属于征收增值税的是( ) A. 某歌星每次演出出场费都收入不菲,他每次都按法律规定交纳一定的税金 B. 某企业虽然利润不算丰厚,但它每年也按规定上交一定的收益税 C. 农民要缴纳一定数额的农业税 D. 税务机关对某商店查账征税 [单选题]丹参治疗冠心病的主要有效成分有
A.生物碱 B.丹参酮ⅡA磺酸钠 C.黄酮类 D.异阿魏酸 E.豆甾醇 [单选题] 老年人烧伤易发生休克和急性肾衰竭,输液时应注意维持每小时尿量 ( )
A. 20-30ml B. 10-20ml C. 30-40ml D. 40-50ml [判断题]为防止划伤飞机蒙皮、玻璃和人为造成多余物,上机前要清除身上、鞋上的零星物品。
[单选题]大面积铝芯电缆导体的焊接方法是采用( )法。
A.烙铁焊接 B.氩弧焊接 C.焊枪焊接 D.浇锡焊接 [单项选择]
You have studied hard, and the day has (21) come when you must write your exam. Try to arrive a few minutes before the (22) starts. Avoid talking to other students, especially those (23) are doing some last minute cramming. These people will make you nervous and (24) your concentration. A. Budget B. Think C. Count D. Number [单项选择]
对前列腺测量,最准确的是以下哪项成像技术() A. CT横断面扫描 B. 膀胱造影 C. MRI冠状面、矢状面T2加权像 D. 盆腔血管造影 E. 骨盆区平片 [单选题]新变压器投入运行前,应进行( )次空载全电压冲击合闸试验。 变压器
A.10 B.3~5 C.2 D.1 [单选题]在行政诉讼中,人民法院认为行政案件的审理需以民事诉讼的裁判为依据的,可以( )。
A.裁定中止行政诉讼 B.判决中止行政诉讼 C.裁定延长审理期限 D.判决原告败诉 [单项选择]胆道蛔虫引起腹痛的性质是
A. 烧灼样痛 B. 钻顶样疼痛 C. 刀割样剧痛 D. 绞痛 E. 隐痛 [单选题]作业人员因故间断电气工作连续( )以上者,应重新申请参加安全准入考试,成绩合格后方可从事现场作业。
A.一个月 B.两个月 C.三个月 D.四个月 [判断题]各单位在编制年度部门预算时,应当按照财政部年度预算编制要求,准确编制货物、服务和工程类政府采购预算,但可以不用将政府采购预算同部门预算一并按照程序上报财政部审批
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]地质断层按断块之间相对错动的方向可划分为()
A.正断层 B.反断层 C.逆断层 D.平移断层 E.顺移断层 [判断题]( ) 站线是指到发线、牵出线、货物线及站内指定用途的其他线路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单位更换的预留印鉴卡片,保留()天后随传票装订。
A.000001 B.000003 C.7 D.10 [多项选择]BTS3001C常用的软跳线的长度分别是()。
A. 2m B. 2.5m C. 5m D. 7.5m E. 10m [名词解释]辉钼矿
[单选题]配网设备状态检修中的(____)类检修是指设备带电情况下采用绝缘手套作业法、 绝缘杆作业法进行的检修、 消缺、 维护。
A.B B.C C.D D.E [多选题]按照变压器容量收取基本电费的原则为:基本电费以月计算,但( )与终止用电,当月的基本电费可按实用天数(日用电不足24h的,按一天计算),每日按全月基本电费1/30计算。
A. 新装 B.增容 C. 变更用电 D. 迁移 [单项选择]ETOKEN的有效期为()。
A. 半年 B. 1年 C. 2年 D. 3年 我来回答: 提交