"Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one," wrote Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the search firm’s founders, in a letter to investors ahead of its stock market flotation in 2004. Since then, Google has burnished its reputation as one of the quirkiest companies on the planet. This year alone it has raised eyebrows by taking a stake in a wind-energy project off the east coast of America and by testing self-driving cars, which have already covered over 140,000 miles (225,000km) on the country’s roads.
Google has been able to afford such flights of fancy thanks to its amazingly successful online-search business. This has produced handsome returns for the firm’s investors, who have seen the company transform itself in the space of a mere 12 years from a tiny start-up into a behemoth with a $180 billion market capitalization that sprawls across a vast headquarters in Silicon Valley known as the
A. acquiring different companies.
B. developing software applications.
C. actively probing into new industries.
D. setting foot in various Internet areas.
Many Women Who
Beat Cancer Don’t Change Habits{{/B}} Many women who battle breast cancer will tell you it’s a life-changing experience. However, a new study shows that for many {{U}} (51) {{/U}}, the changes aren’t always positive or permanent. Beth Snoke has watched her mother and both grandmothers battle and survive breast {{U}} (52) {{/U}} So when she was diagnosed, there was no doubt in her mind {{U}} (53) {{/U}} she had to do. "I do exactly what the doctors say as far as the medicine that I’m on, as {{U}} (54) {{/U}} as the vitamins, the diet, and the fitness. And I can’t stress enough {{U}} (55) {{/U}} important that is," says Beth Snoke. But a surprising new study shows that {{U}} (56) {{/U}} every woman who beats breast can A. before B. after C. without D. since [多选题]( )的燃烧方式是分解燃烧。
A.纸张 B.磷 C.木材 D.合成橡胶 E.木炭 [单选题]1.30 身体条件证明自出具之日起____内有效。
A.1个月 B.3个月 C.6个月 D.12个月 [简答题]绘制常二线自控流程图
[单选题]引起肝硬化的病因不包括( )。
A.甲型肝炎 B.胆汁淤积 C.酒精中毒 D.营养障碍 E.血吸虫病 [单选题]( )是指劳动法对劳动关系当事人的利益都给予合法保护的同时,优先保护在劳动关系中事实上处于相对弱势地位的劳动者。
A.物质帮助 B.基本保护 C.优先保护 D.全面保护 [单项选择]广电网络组织架构,采用()的管理结构是公司整体结构发展的方向。
A. 职能型 B. 直线型 C. 矩阵型 D. 职能型与矩阵型相结合的管理结构 [判断题]( )按《塔里木油田井下作业井控实施细则》规定,防喷器压力等级的选择:根据最高地层压力来选择井控装备,如地层压力≥70MPa的井,选用105MPa及以上压力等级的井控装备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]国家开发银行成立时的主要任务是()。
A. 国家重点建设项目融资 B. 支持进出口贸易融资 C. 农业政策性贷款 D. 办理中国政府对外优惠贷款 [判断题]同一个网络中,可以同时运行多台DHCP服务器,每台服务器只能管理不同IP地址。
影响SF6气体击穿电压的因素有( )。 A.SF6的工作压力 B.SF6气体纯度 C.电场的均匀性 D.施加电压的频率 [填空题]水泥的物理力学性质主要有()、()、()和()。
A.博爱路 B.聚湖路站 C.常州火车站 D.茶山站 E.文化宫 [多选题]有下列情形之一的,执法人员可以当场收缴罚款。( )。
A.对违法行为人当场处二十元以下罚款的; B.被处罚人向指定银行缴纳罚款确有困难并向执法人员提出的; C.当事人在当地无固定住所,不当场收缴事后难以执行; D.虽然罚款金额超过1000元,但是当事人自愿当场向执法人员缴纳的 [单选题]87全0的IP地址0.0.0.0代表(? ),在路由器上用0.0.0.0地址指定默认路由。
A.A、一个主机 B.B、所有的主机 C.C、两个主机 D.D、三个主机 [多选题]校验()、()、()的作业人员,不准对运用中的非计量设备、信号系统、保护压板进行操作,禁止在变电站内操作、拉合与工作无关的检修断路器(开关)。
A.A-电能表 B.B-电压互感器 C.C-电流互感器 D.D-变压器 [单选题]检查煤气等燃气灶具是否漏气应该采取的正确方法是( )。
A.用鼻子闻 B.用火试 C.用肥皂水刷到软管和接口处检查 D.用眼看手摸 我来回答: 提交