Stockbrokers are agents who buy and
sell stocks, shares and other securities for their clients. They are paid
commission. Jobbers, on the other hand, buy and sell securities in large
quantities. They are the wholesalers. The jobbers are always to be found in the
same spot in the London Stock Exchange. They congregate according to the type of
security they specialize in. So you can find all the jobbers dealing with rubber
shares in one place, those interested in shipping another, those concerned with
mining in another, and so on. Jobbers make a profit like any other dealer. They
usually quote two prices; they are prepared to buy any reasonable quantity of
that share at the lower price, and to sell at the higher price. These prices
vary, of course, from day to day and even hour to hour, according to the
demand. Perhaps a broke A. Women had the intention of getting into the Stock Exchange for many years. B. Women were allowed to become stockbrokers and jobbers in 1973. C. Women worked as clerks when they were first allowed into the Stock Exchange. D. The Stock Exchange opened its door to the other sex little by little. [判断题]杆上作业所用工具、材料应装在工具袋内,用绳子传递。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )可用于操作高压跌落式熔断器、单极隔离开关及装设临时接地线等。
A.绝缘手套 B.绝缘鞋 C.绝缘棒 [单项选择]
A. 血小甲胎蛋白值升高 B. 血中雌激素值升高 C. 血中绒毛膜促性腺激素值升高 D. 血中CA125值升高 E. 尿中17羟类固醇值升高 [判断题]智能电源屏中如果主用电源在工作,备用电源停电,电源屏将无法声控报警.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]医疗事故的构成要件不包括( )
A. 行为主体是医护人员 B. 在主观方面,医护人员是出于过失而非故意 C. 医护人员的违法行为与患者的自身因素共同导致了恩者人身损害结果 D. 对患者的人身损害必须达到“组织器官损伤导致功能障碍”或者更为严重的程度 E. 医护人员的诊疗行为违反了法律的规定 [判断题]ALR是告警报,CDN是管制协调报,SPL是计划补充信息报。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Windows2000Server对CPU的最低需求为()。
A. 486以上的兼容处理器 B. 100MHz以上的兼容处理器 C. 166MHz以上的兼容处理器 D. 500MHz以上的兼容处理器 [简答题]参数
[单选题](86971)货车运用限度规定,货车车钩中心高度,最高为( )。(1.0分)
A.815 mm B.835 mm C.860 mm D.890 mm [单项选择]关于肾前性急性肾衰竭病因,不正确的是()
A. 血管内血容量不足 B. 心排血量降低 C. 外周动脉过度扩张 D. 肾脏自身调节功能受损 E. 肾血管扩张 [判断题]电力系统在输送同一功率电能的过程中,电压损耗与电压等级成正比,功率损耗与电压的平方亦成正比。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是动机?什么是效果?试用动机与效果辩证统一的观点对自己在职业活动中遇到的人和事,作出职业道德评价?
A.2对 B.3对 C.5对 D.3~5对 我来回答: 提交