Selection to participate in a top executive-education program is an important rung on the ladder to top corporate jobs. U. S. corporations (1) billions of dollars in this form of management development -- and use it to (2) and train fast-track managers. Yet one (3) of executive education found that less than 5% of the managers (4) to these high-profile programs are women -- and minorities are terribly (5) as well.
The numbers are (6) . In regular business (7) usually paid for by the participant, not an employer -- there are plenty of women and minorities. Women, for example, (8) for about 30% of MBA candidates. Yet in the (9) programs paid for by corporations that round out a manager’s credentials at a (10) career point, usually at age 40 or 45, companies are making only a (11) investment in developing female and minority executives. A case (12) point: Only abo
A. inferior
B. dependent
C. junior
D. advanced
Do you know that all human beings have
a "comfortable zone" regulating the distance they stand from someone when they
talk This distance varies in interesting ways among people of different
cultures. Greeks, others of the Eastern Mediterranean, and many of those from South America normally stand close together when they talk, often moving their faces even closer as they warm up in a conversation. North Americans find this awkward and often back away a few inches. Studies have found that they tend to feel most comfortable at about 21 inches apart. In much of Asia and Africa, there is even more space between two speakers in conversation. This greater space subtly lends an air of dignity and respect. This matter of space is nearly always unconscious, but it is interesting to observe. This difference applies also to the closene A. It concerns distance and bodily contact. B. It concerns body language. C. It concerns cultural differences between the East and the West. D. It concerns hand signals. [多项选择]在下列各项中,不属于行政处罚的有()。
A. 降职 B. 降级 C. 拘役 D. 罚款 E. 没收财物 [单选题]提出了“一个中心、两个基本点”(即以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放)的会议是()。
A.十一届三中全会 B.党的十三大 C.党的十四大 D.党的十五大 [单选题] 坚持 () 在我国现代化建设全局中的核心地位。
A.创新 B.创新发展 C.科技创新 D.技术创新 [多项选择]20世纪90年代以后,重写革命历史的作品主要有()等。
A. 邓一光的《我是太阳》 B. 都梁的《亮剑》 C. 徐贵祥的《历史的天空》 D. 吴强的《红日》 [单选题]国家综合性消防救援队伍的干部和消防员,应当互相尊重,互相爱护,互相
帮助,构建团结、友爱、和谐、纯洁的内部关系,同心协力地完成任务。 () A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对嫌疑人的盘查中,嫌疑人的反抗行为具有突发性。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]按建标[2003]206号文件的规定,下列应列入企业管理费的有()。
A. 生产工人基本工资 B. 生产工人辅助工资 C. 原生产一线工人的退休工资 D. 生产工人的教育经费 E. 生产工人的福利费 [多选题]下列减速器齿轮检验的质量标准正确的有( )?
A.中心距极限偏差应在允许范围 B.齿轮两轴线的平行度误差在规定范围内 C.齿面应光滑,不得有裂纹、剥皮和胶合现场,各处几何尺寸应符合图纸要求 D.齿顶间隙为齿轮模数的2倍 [单选题]HXD3型机车每台牵引电机通风机给( )牵引电机通风冷却。
A.两台 B.三台 C.四台 [多项选择]下列对股指期货自然人投资者适当性标准说法正确的是()。
A. 申请开户时保证金账户可用资金余额不低于人民币100万元 B. 具备股指期货基础知识,且测试得分不低于80分 C. 具备股指期货仿真交易经历或者商品期货交易经历要求,至少有10个交易日、20笔以上的股指期货仿真交易成交记录或者最近三年内具有至少10笔以上的商品期货成交记录 D. 期货公司对自然人投资者的综合评估在60分以上 [多选题]在量测混凝土结构的裂缝宽度时,下列说法正确的是( ) 。
A.A、对正截面裂缝,应量测受拉主筋处的最大裂缝宽度 B.B、对梁正截面裂缝,裂缝应在构件受拉一侧的外侧面量测最大裂缝宽度 C.C、对斜截面裂缝,应量测腹部斜裂缝的最大裂缝宽度 D.D、板类构件可在板面或板底量测最大裂缝宽度 [多项选择]作业成本法的主要特点()
A. 作业成本法是以“作业”为中心 B. 作业成本法是以“可控成本”为中心 C. 作业成本法通常和适时生产管理制度相结合 D. 作业成本法将计算重点放在了成本发生的前因后果上 E. 以上都是 我来回答: 提交